Chapter One

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Peter's POV

How does one get stranded in New York City in only his pajamas with no money you may ask. Well I would love to know that too, seeing as that is my current situation.

It all started when my best friend Seth said we needed a road trip vacation. To where you may ask? I myself don't even know. All my life I have known Seth and I trusted him with my life. I guess that was my first mistake.

Adventures with Seth were normal for us, granted we never went out of the state of Florida we did travel all around the state. I had no second thoughts when packing and taking a week off work for this little get away. After all I've gone on adventures with him having no idea where we were going before, how was this different.

Apparently this was severely different, after a long 24 hour drive of minimal stopping I finally had enough I needed to spread my legs out and walk, we just reached NYC so why not explore a bit before going where ever he had planned. I convinced him to stop at Central Park so we could walk around a bit, it was early evening about 5pm at the time. I left all my stuff in his car, meaning my phone, wallet etc.

After a bit of walking I was ready to continue but decided to go to the bathroom before we left. He said he'd wait in the car, but by the time I got back, the car was gone, he had left me alone, stranded with no phone and no money, in New York City.

And that is where my story starts.

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