No Pain No Gain

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"Ugh... My aching everything... What in the name of Ironblood happened?" Bismarck mumbles as she slowly opens her eyes. She has found herself in the repair bay, lying on some sort of bed, and standing over her was Prinz Eugen and a certain blue haired sub. "U-556? What happened?"

"I'm just glad I even reached you in time!" U-556 says, but before she can say anything more she hears the sound of footsteps and the three turn to see none other than the commander. His uniform is mostly gray with hints of red and yellow that would match Bismarck's color scheme if it were a shade darker, but his black hair and brown eyes clearly contrast with the battleship's blonde and blue.

"Bismarck, you alright?" The commander asks.

"I think so... What was all that?" Bismarck asks right back.

"Well to put it in an AP shell you managed to sink the Royal Navy's Hood in one shot with that weapon of yours, but then the entire fleet chased down you and Eugen. Had it not been for U-556 here we would have lost you." The commander explains as he helps Bismarck get back on her feet. "You were knocked out for a whole week."

"A whole week?" Bismarck asks. "I didn't miss anything did I?"

"Sure you did." Eugen says. Bismarck is about to rush out when Eugen stops her. "I'm only kidding."

"Geez, why do you mess with me like that?" Bismarck asks.

"You've known me long enough." Eugen chuckles as she and U-556 leave.

"I didn't miss anything did I?" Bismarck asks the commander. "I don't trust her."

"Nope, nothing too extreme." The commander says. "But I think you have someone waiting for you."

"Do I?" Bismarck asks as the door swings open. Standing in the doorway was a girl with white, almost silver hair and blue eyes, and she wore a mostly white outfit, with hints of red and yellow. "Tirpitz?"

"Bismarck?" Tirpitz asks right back before she closes the distance and pulls Bismarck in for a hug. "I'm just glad you're even alive!"

"It'll take more than a whole fleet to sink the leader of the Ironblood." Bismarck chuckles lightly as the two part.

"Still I wouldn't get so cocky." The commander says. "Say we haven't formally met before, have we?" He then asks, looking at Tirpitz.

"No I don't think so." Bismarck replies. "Her home's up in the north so we don't get to see her all that often."

"The times I would come visit though, I never really saw you. You were always too busy filing stuff and whatnot." Tirpitz adds. "Well I'm Tirpitz, Bismarck's sister, and I can safely assume you're the commander?"

"Yep, commander and leader of the Ironblood, though I kinda share that latter position with your sister here." The commander chuckles. "I'm human and I can only do so much."

"How long are you going to be staying?" Bismarck asks.

"Longer than usual." Tirpitz replies. "You haven't touched my room have you?"

"Only for cleaning." The commander says. "Otherwise everything has been left as it was before."

"Danke." Tirpitz replies. "I know I technically live up north but here also feels like home too."

"I get that." The commander says. "Well it's around noon, what do you say we get lunch?"

"Sure." Bismarck says as the trio head out of the repair bay and further into the Ironblood homeland. The roads are topped with cobblestone and the buildings make quite the maze for foreigners. Fortunately it only takes the commander and the two battleships a matter of seconds before they find themselves in a tavern. "Man when was the last time I ate out at a place like this, with you let alone?"

"I don't even remember." Tirptiz chuckles. "I guess even now we still have lots of catching up to do."

"Should I get a separate table so I can leave you two be?" The commander jests before all three of them break out into laughter.

"For an Ironblood commander you sure know how to brighten up someone's day." Bismarck says as the three get a spot.

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