Micah Bell: apology

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You and Micah get into a heated argument and words are said so you both decide to ignore each other. Micah begins to regret what he's said and decides to apologize before its too late.

It started out as simple insults one another. No one paid much mind, you two would always do this to one another and still hang around one another later in the day. You and Micah had been together for awhile, close to a year now. Everyone soon became aware of how you both acted around each other and grew accustomed to the way you treated each other.


You sat at one of the tables in camp, reading one of the books Mary-Beth lent to you. You were in your own world when someone sat in front of you. Your eyes trailed up from the pages and met Micah's. "Whatcha reading?" he asked "Let me Guess some sappy romance" he laughed to himself making you scowl. "No and for your information it's about mystery and murder but you wouldn't know that since you don't care for my intrests" You snapped at him, closing your book and getting up. Micah raised a brow and propped his feet up on the table. What was wrong with you today. He huffed and ignored the gut feeling inside him. "Whatever, not like a women needs to read much anyways" He hollered at you causing you to stop in your place

"What did you just say to me" you said, turning around and giving Micah a glare. "You heard me girly" He said, starting to stand up. "At least I know how to fucking read micah bell" you growled at him taking a step to him. You could tell you struck a nerve by the way Micah's jaw clenched.

"I bet running your mouth is the only thing you know how to do, beside being on your knees more than a nun!" Micah yelled causing all eyes to be on him. When he finally met your eyes he felt guilty by the way tears began running down your cheeks. You wiped your eyes and threw your book at him making him hiss. "I hate you Micah Bell and I'm not a whore. I have more descancy than that. I hope you drop dead you son of a bitch!" You screamed and ran off, tears falling faster than you could stop them.

Micah went to say something but a hand on his shoulder stopped. Dutch stood behind him giving him a disappointed look. "Son..you know that was very wrong of you. How could you say that to someone you love" He said after you had left on your horse. Micah scoffed and looked away. He knew what he said was wrong he felt guilty once the words left his mouth and seeing how sad you looked at him. Micah threw Dutchs hand off him and left into his tent.


For the next few days, You would stay in camp only for a bit before asking dutch for a job or something to do and be back late at night and head straight to bed. He couldn't blame you. After what Micah said, anyone would want to be away from him. Micah never tried to talk to you but he would sneak glances at you from time to time. He would frown when seeing the look on your face. You were no longer smiling, sometimes he could see dried tear stains on your face but he refused to admit his faults and would walk around camp, receiving dirty looks from everyone.

Today was rare though, You stayed in camp this time and did your best to help around from helping pearson cooking to sewing clothes for miss Grimshaw. On rare chances you would be doing something close to Micah where he could hear your soft voice and laughter. Everytime he heard you laugh or saw you talk to one of the men in the Camp his stomach curled and he felt sick. He thought he was getting sick but He knew it was actually seeing the pain he caused you.


You were sitting on one of the logs, watching everyone dance and laugh as they drank and listened to Javier's music. You sat farther away from the group but close enough to hear their conversations. You would attempt to sneak glances at micah but he was always looking away. You gripped your skirt and placed your head on your fist, watching everyone have fun. You were lost in thought you didn't notice Bill walk up to you.

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