Bill Williamson: Marry me

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Bill returns from Guarma and the reader as some very good news.

(gonna be short sorry!!)

You sat with the other women in Lakay after the events in Saint Denis. Mary-Beth was beside you trying her best to ease your anxiety. Bill had yet to return to you and everyday felt like years to you. You didn't know if he was alive or if he was coming back. 

You laid your head on her shoulder and sighed. "I-I don't know what I'll do without him" you mumbled. She only nodded and moved your hair. "I know sweetheart, But I'm sure everything will turn out just fine. Love always wins" She said causing you to laugh softly. "you read to many romance novels" You giggled and looked up at her. 

Mary-Beth had left you so you could rest for the night. You pulled on Bill's plaid shirt and closed the small diving curtain, laying yourself on the bedroll. You closed your eyes and placed a hand on your stomach, rubbing small circles on your belly. You weren't very far in your pregnancy, maybe a month or so. You didn't know at first but when you asked Abigail about it you knew you were pregnant with Bill's child. When you wanted to tell him, he had left in a hurry with the other for the bank job, kissing you and leaving before you could speak. 

You rolled over and relaxed yourself, finding yourself falling asleep. When you woke upit was morning, everyone was talking loudly. You yawned and rubbed your eyes and stood up, walking out of your spot and to the front door. Freezing when you were met with Bill, a smile growing on his face. 

You couldn't stop the tears from falling as you ran into his arms as Bill lifted you off your feet. You tightened your grip on the male as if he was going to disappear. "I was so worried" you mumbled into his chest once he put you down. "I only thought about getting back to you" he said and kissed you. You smiled and pulled away, guiding him to your space and shutting the curtain.

You let Bill relax on the cot as you fixed his sunburns with some miracle cream you had. You let him tell you stories about where he was and what happened during his time there. Soon enough, Arthur came back, then Dutch. You were happy everyone was safe...well, except for you know who.

~time skip~

You laid on Bill's chest as he ran a hand up and down your back, the two of you enjoying each others presence. You picked at the buttons on his suspenders. "bill?" you asked quietly. He hummed in response, eyes glancing at you. "I need to tell you something" You said, sitting up. When you opened your mouth bullets began to rain through the house. You screamed and fell on the floor, bill's body pulling you closer as he covered your head. 

"Pinkertons!!" someone shouted as the women and Jack laid on the floor with their heads covered. You buried yourself into Bill as the bullets continued to pour into the home. You looked up as Sadie and Arthur crawled out of the home to stop the Pinkertons. 

"Bill go help" you said. He looked at you "no no your my priority right now" "listen to me, I will be fine, I can handle myself. Go help the others" You said, you heart gunshots as the bullets stopped. "go now" you said and moved to guide the women away from the door. 

~time skip :3~

After the fiasco, you all moved the Beaver Hollow. You paced your shared tent with Bill, waiting for him. You told him you needed to speak to him as soon as he could. You bit your fingernails as you waited for him to come. You heard the flap of the tent open, your eyes meeting his worried ones. "whats wrong" He asked. You took a deep breath and guided him to take a seat.

" don't have to react right away, ok? just let it sink in" You said. You watched as Bill looked at you worriedly, taking your hands in his larger ones. You gripped his own as spoke "I'm pregnant" You spoke. You watched Bills shoulders tense.

You stared getting worried as he said nothing for a few minuets. You let out a breath you hadn't realized your were holding once you saw the large smile spread across his face. "i'm gonna be a father?" he asked, pulling you closer by your waist burying his face into your stomach. You gave a small chuckled and nodded. "yes my love, your gonna be a dad" You stated. 

The next thing you knew, Bill had you in the middle of camp yelling "I'm gonna be a father" You could only smile as him as he looked so excited. He received many congratulations from the other. Bill looked at you happily before dropping himself down on one knee. "I know I don't have a special rock or anything but I want you in my life forever. I want to grow a family with you. Marry me" He said. You started tearing up and nodded, covering your face with your hands as everyone cheered.

You and Bill decided to leave the gang, much to Arthurs happiness and Dutch's annoyance. You both settled down in a large cabin. Bill was there for you every step of your pregnancy. He stopped his drinking for the sake of your child, never wanting his own to be like him. 

When it was time for the baby, Bill was right there beside you. You held your baby girl in your arms as your hair was stuck to your face from sweat, none the less, Bill kissed your head and sat beside you, letting your daughter hold his large finger in her tiny hand. "any names?" He asked quietly.

"Alice" you spoke, smiling. Bill smiled along with you and kissed you. You both were happy with your new life and new family. Who knows what would have happened if you had never met. 

(wink wink)


A/n: sorry for this being short, its kinda cold so it makes my hands ache and hurt to type plus my school started for this semester. I hope you enjoyed tho! bye bye!!

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