That's all I can take; my tears begin to flow. He's licked me until I come several times, and I hated every single time. I try to keep my head somewhere else, and it hurts; these orgasms haven't felt good. How will I ever be able to be with Shooter after all this.

"Now, now, now, don't cry pretty girl. It's going to be ok. I haven't decided if I'm going to give you up for sure, just yet. I may fuck that little pussy soon. I would say it depends on what your daddy does, but I'm growing kind of attached to you. Even if your daddy does what I want, I might just keep you and make you my little queen of this empire. What you think about that?"

My tears begin to fall faster, I miss Shooter, I 'll never get to meet my grandmother, I miss my pops and my brother, my cat and my horse. I want to see New Orleans again. I want to go home. With these thoughts I struggle to hold in my sobs.

"Aw, sweetheart, that's not such a bad thing. I would treat you real good, buy you pretty little bras and panties, you would never have to get dressed again, just be ready any time I bend you over to fuck. I want to fuck you so hard right there in front of your pops club and mine, let Shooter watch. Won't that be fun. You think on all that, I'll be back in a bit. I do love these tits."

He gives my breasts another savage squeeze and leaves. I can't hold back the sobs anymore. I hope Shooter is looking for me, I know he is, I just hope he has enough clues to find me. I sob until I can't anymore and let the numbness take over again.

Her grandmother got here the other day and my parents wanted to come, even after I told them what happened. We finally got a lead and it seems everything is leading to a warehouse outside of Atlanta. Robot is getting a satellite directed there, I don't even know how he has all these connections. I just know I've got to get her back soon. My parents have been staying in the apartment and they told me to take her to the cabin on the back side of our property when I get her back. Take her out in the middle of nowhere and try to help her recover. It might work for a few days, but it's not the long-term fix and I know everyone knows it's going to be a long road for all of us. I only know part of what he's done to her I don't want to imagine the rest of it. We're gearing up and getting ready to head to a better base, closer for staging. We've got enough guns, and other tactical shit, same shit I thought I was done with when I left the military. Being trapped in a truck and not able to move is going to be the hardest part of this, I hope.

"Shooter, you ready?"

"Yeah, let me run up to the apartment real quick, I'll meet you at the truck."

I jog up the stairs and head back to the bedroom, I pass my mom sitting on the couch and she gives me a questioning look. My dad has been hanging out with Tank, trying to keep him distracted. My mom has spent more time than I can imagine with Sara Grace's grandmother. I grab her some clothes, her body wash, shampoo, lotion, all that other stuff she uses. I grab several t shirts from her drawer, underwear and last, I grab her rosary, engagement ring and her earrings, dropping them in a small velvet pouch I found in her jewelry box. I walk back into the living room to tell the ladies goodbye.

"Mom, gran, we are leaving, I just wanted to grab her somethings to make her more comfortable."

"Smart boy. Me granddaughter is a lucky girl and from what you've told me, she knows it. Lad, it's going to be hard, real hard, in the beginning. All relationships are, but this is the worst thing a person could imagine. Stay with her, I know you love her, I see you hurting, and I see the love. Get me girl back and give her this."

She hands me an ornate cross necklace and I add it to the other jewelry. I tell her I will.

"Tell her it was her grandmothers, her grandfather gave it to me on our wedding day, it belonged to his mother and her mother before her. Tell her she comes from a long line of strong, stubborn women and not to let a handful of puny men who only think with their dick ruin her life. You tell her that and tell her I'll be here when she gets back. I will not go back to Ireland until I see her with me own eyes."

I lean down pulling her into a hug and give her a kiss on the cheek, telling her I will. I hug my mother, this tough woman born and raised on a Texas ranch, married to a Texas rancher, raised four boys, three who stayed on the ranch; this tough Texan woman cries, her heart aching for what my beautiful girl is going through.

"Son, bring my new daughter to me. Tell her she has a lot of people who love her immensely already and the list is only growing. Your father and I will take care of her horse. And that monster cat. Tell her we're praying hard."

"Of course, mamma. I love you. Gran, I haven't known you long, but I love you too."

Hugging both women one more time, and I head to the truck. I don't look back; I'm not coming home without her. I see Tank standing by the back door and wave, he nods; we pull out of the compound and head north.

I don't know whose idea the cigars were, but they were a damn good one. I've managed to distract myself somewhat or maybe it's the effect of the tobacco, I don't know, but we're and hour out and everyone still has their head attached to their shoulders. Soon. I'll have her back soon; it sure as shit better be before the end of this day. I'm coming for you baby, just hang on a little longer.

Waiting on Sarah GraceWhere stories live. Discover now