first steps

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Rocky: 24

Ross 1/2

( rocky's pov)

I was babysitting Ross today because mom and dad need to go out for some errands. Ross is now 1/2, so he can almost set his first steps.  I pick him up and set him on my lap.  " I'm you're favorite right?" I smile and kiss his cheeks. He squeaks and giggles. " ready to walk?" " wa.. wa.." smiles Ross softly. I laugh and set him in his playpen. " I'm gonna make your lunch baby." I say. He pouted and try to stand up. " be careful baby, don't hurt yourself. " I say and give his pacifier. " Good boy." I say and walked into the kitchen. After a while I hear crying. I walk into the livingroom were he was, and he was laying next to his playpen. I sighted. " Ross, what have I told you? You need to be careful." I say and kiss head. " auwie.." he pount. " I know baby, let me see."  I cooed and check his head. " it's okay baby, nothing to cry about. Come on, let gets lunch " I say and we walked into the kitchen. I place him in his highchair and give him a bowl mashed vegetables. He turns his head away and pouting. " come ross, eat your vegetables." He shook his head again. " come on rossy, please for me" he still didn't open his mouth. I sighed, why is that boy is so stubborn? " rossy, here comes a airplane." I fake gasps. He looks up, and open his mouth. He realy loved when you do that.  " good boy!" i smile. he laughs and start eating whit his hand. " ross.." I groaned when he make a mess whit his food. Why is this happened to me when i feed him? If rydel feeds him, he stays clean he even cooperate! How she do this? " you're done?" I ask if he finished his food and licking his fingers. He squeak happily and clapping his hands. " okay let's clean you up befor mom and dad comes home." I say and pick him up. " i love you baby"

After his bad and nap, he's playing with his toys while i watching him. Than he try to stand up again. " be careful ross!" I shout. I know I'm an overprotective brother, but i love him and i don't wand he gest hurt. Than.. he walked over me. " ross! You can walk!" I shout proud. I hugs his kiss his head s few time. " you a good boy." He hugs me back and yawning. " still tired aren't you?" He yawning again and start whining. " aw.." i laughs and kiss his cheeks. I lay him on my chest and play whit his soft blond hair. He keeps whining. " what's wrong baby, do you wand you pacifier?" I ask. He whining again. " so.. that's a.. yes?" I launch and give him his yellow pacifier. He start chucking and close his eyes.

After a while mom and smdad comes home.  " aw he's so cute." Smiles mom. " how long is he asleep?" Ask dad. " i think 15 minutes now." " how was he btw?" Ask mom. " a very good boy, guess what... he can walk!"  " no way?!" Ask dad. " yes he try to stand up and he start walking to me.. okay he almost fell over but i catch him. " thats okay, he growing so fast." Says mom and a tear escape from here eyes. Than he opend his eyes. " mommy, dada.." he squeak happily.  " there's my big boy." Says dad and pick him up.  " can you show us what you did earlier?" Ask dad. And set him on his legs. He start whimper. " it's okay baby, i got you" wisperd dad. He slowly start walking, than dad let his hand donw and was walking around carefully. Then he falls over and start crying.   " aw rossy, don't cry you did so good!" Says mom and pick him up. I smile and him. I'm really happy whit  ross.. because he save my life.

A/N i can make a storie whit what rocky means.. " he saved my life "

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