Sienna divulged into the food the boys had brought back for her and Calum, listening intently to everyone telling the two of them about their time out.

Calum pretended to listen, but his mind was focused on Sienna. The kiss they'd shared just before the others returned replayed over and over through his mind.

He was consumed by the memory of the way her lips found their way to his quickly, and desperately, and familiarly. The way she had tangled her fingers in his hair and sent chills through his entire body.

Kissing her felt like coming home.

I have to talk to her again, Calum thought. I have to tell her how badly I want to be with her.

He thought of how right Sienna had been about the two of them wasting time being angry with each other. He couldn't believe he let his pride keep him from her for weeks.

"Enna," Michael spoke up enthusiastically. "I got you something."

He handed her a white gift bag before returning to his seat next to Calum to watch her open the present.

It's been eight weeks, Calum realized as he studied the bag. Mike got her the next charm.

Calum has been so caught up in what had happened between them that he'd forgotten the date and it's significance.

He couldn't believe two months of touring had already come to pass.

Sienna opened the gift bag, excitement shown plainly all over her features. She lifted what appeared to be a piece of clothing from the bag and began laughing as she realized what was on the front of it.

"A Dirty Dancing shirt?" She asked laughingly as she looked over at Michael.

Calum smiled softly at her even though she wasn't looking at him. He longed to kiss her again, to hear her tell him she loved him again as if to remind him he hadn't imagined it.

It still seemed unreal to him that Sienna had said those words to him with no fear, or question, or regret.

She had known what she wanted and she had gone for it. No dancing around what was actually on her mind. No holding her tongue to keep from making things confusing between them. No more hesitation.

It's time for me to follow her lead, Calum decided. I need to just tell her how I feel.

Do I love her too, he wondered. Maybe I should just say it back. Even if I'm not sure what these feelings are. At least that way she'll understand how much she means to me.

No, He decided. I'm not saying it unless I'm positive. There's no point in saying it if I don't know it's real.

But I need to say something.

"I saw it and thought you would like it." Michael said sweetly, pulling Calum back out of his thoughts once again.

"I love it." Sienna promised him, a beautiful and contagious smile beaming on her lips.

"There's something else in there too." Michael told her, nodding to the gift bag in Sienna's lap.

She had remembered what day it was the moment Michael had handed her a gift bag. She knew what was coming and she only grew more and more excited.

She reached down into the gift bag to retrieve the small box that resided in the bottom. She lifted the box in her hand and opened it eagerly.

She smiled at the beautiful emerald green charm that the box held.

"You got Luke's favorite color last time." Michael told her. "And you seemed to really like it. So, I thought maybe you'd like mine as well."

"It's beautiful." Sienna told him happily, standing from her seat. She crossed the living area to wrap her arms around Michael. "Thanks, Mikey."

She pressed a kiss to his cheek as she pulled away from the embrace. She reclaimed her seat next to Niall and extended her wrist to him.

"Help me add the new charm?" She asked him.

He quickly nodded and unclasped the bracelet from her wrist. She slid Michael's charm next to the others and Niall helped her put the bracelet back on.

She admired the new charm for a moment and Calum admired her.

I need a moment alone with her, Calum thought. Just a moment. I won't blow it again.

"Eight weeks." Ashton told Sienna with a proud smile. "I hope you know how proud we are of you, Sienna."

"So so proud." Luke agreed.

Sienna gave them a smile and a nod before looking back to her bracelet. She now had a princess carriage, a shamrock, Luke's favorite color, and now Michael's favorite color.

She had a piece of Luke, Michael, and Niall. She knew Calum had picked out the princess carriage, but that charm was technically from all of the boys. She couldn't wait to have Calum's favorite color on her bracelet as well.

She only needed Ashton and Calum's. Then, she would have a piece of each of her boys.

As the lads got caught up in a conversation about possibly doing a new cover in their show later, Niall decided he should talk to Sienna about something that had been weighing on his mind.

Sienna had gotten up to retrieve her phone from her bunk when Niall stopped her.

"Enna?" He asked.

"What's up?" Sienna responded, her gaze still focused on her bunk as she dug through the pillows and blankets in search of her phone.

"Will you do something for me?"

Sienna stopped her search and looked to him now.

"Anything." She promised him.

"Spend some time with Luke. Just the two of you." He told her. "He's been missing the way you two used to hang out. I think he could use some quality time with you."

"I had no idea." Sienna admitted. "Thanks for telling me."

Niall nodded quickly, feeling much better knowing Sienna would do anything to cheer Luke up. He knew spending some time with Luke would be good for her as well.

"There's something I need to talk to you about too." Sienna spoke up.

"What?" Niall wondered.

"I kissed Calum." She said quietly.

Niall's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"You-" He began but cut him off.

"And I told him I love him."

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