She was now very aware of the fact that she stood before him in nothing but one of Luke's shirts and some underwear. She had taken off the sweatpants she'd slept in after she'd gotten into her bunk, assuming all of the lads would be gone when she woke.

"I didn't know anyone was here." Sienna said, slowly pulling her shirt down as far as she could. "Your bunk was empty. I thought you'd left with the boys."

"So, you walk around like that when you're alone?" Calum said with a chuckle. "I should stay in more often."

She forgot about the embarrassment she felt. She was relieved to see Calum's cheekiness had returned.

"Why didn't you go out with the boys?" She wondered. "I figured you'd like to get a break."

"Wasn't feeling up to it today." Calum told her.

Yes, I was tired, Calum thought. But I also wanted to spend time with you.

"Sleep well?" He asked her with a smile.

"After having a meltdown? Definitely." She told him with a chuckle. "Again, sorry about that." She pushed her hair away from her face and looked to the ground.

"You have nothing to apologize for." He told her. "Besides, it felt nice to be needed again."

Sienna furrowed her brows at his words.

She hesitated, debating if she should say what she really wanted to say to him.

No more wasting time, Sienna decided.

She was done holding her tongue. She was tired of concealing her feelings. It was time to say what she needed to say so they could move on.

"You thought I didn't need you anymore?" She asked him truthfully, meeting his eyes again.

"Since Niall got here, you haven't." He told her. "After all, that's why he's here, right?"

"I needed my best friend." Sienna nodded. "That doesn't mean I didn't need you." She told him. "The difference is I couldn't have you."

"You can have me in any way you like, babe." Calum joked with a growing grin.

Sienna rolled her eyes and sighed.

She didn't want his flirty jokes in that moment. She wanted him to take her words serious. She wanted him to stop running from his feelings and tell her how he felt; whether it was good or bad, she needed to know. She wanted him to stop avoiding the words left unsaid between them.

"I'm gonna' go get dressed." She said and turned to head back to her bunk.

"Enna, wait." Calum pleaded, sitting forward in his seat, ready to go after her if his words didn't stop her.

Sienna turned to look at him again.

"Yeah?" She asked, frustration plainly shown on her features.

"How about that rain check?" Calum suggested. "We can hang out like we used to."

Sienna remembered when Calum had asked her for a rain check the night she'd taken him tea while she and the other boys watched Ghostbusters.

She took a deep breath and nodded.

"Let me get dressed." She said calmly before heading to find clothes to throw on.

Sienna put on a pair of Luke's sweatpants, which were rather large on her, and returned to Calum.

She sat on the opposite end of the sofa from him as he put on a movie for the two of them to watch.

Sienna smiled to herself as the movie began playing.

Footloose, She thought. At least he's trying. Talking might not be his specialty, but he knows what movie always cheers me up.

There was a tension in the air between them as they watched the movie. Neither of them said a word or moved for a while.

While Sienna actually paid attention to the movie, Calum had been deep in thought since it began.

I have to tell her how I feel, He thought. Now, while I have the chance.

His heart raced at the thought. He'd never done anything like this. He was terrified.

He spent his days on stage in front of thousands of people, and yet, he had never been this nervous. He wasn't sure if he needed to scream, or get some fresh air, or vomit.

He opened his mouth to speak up, but couldn't bring himself to say anything. He couldn't find the right words.

Stop being such a wuss, He scolded himself. Just say the things you've been wanting to say for weeks.

He decided to wait for the opportune moment, to build up his nerve for a while until he had the courage to do it.

That moment came faster than he had expected. As one of the dancing scenes from the movie began to play, Calum sucked in a deep breath and jumped to his feet.

"What are you-" Sienna began as Calum took one of her hands in his.

"Let's see if those dancing lessons paid off, yeah?" Calum grinned as he pulled Sienna to her feet.

As she stood in front of him, he started dancing horribly in attempt to ease the tension between them.

His attempt was quite successful. Sienna immediately began laughing at his "dancing". Calum took her hand once again and the two of them started to move together.

He pulled her closer to him by their intertwined hands.

Sienna rested a hand on Calum's shoulder as he slid his hand around her waist to rest familiarly on the small of her back.

The two of them casually waltzed around in circles, laughing with every step.

"You never told me you can dance." Sienna told him, her voice bubbly with laughter.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me, babe." Calum gave her a smirk.

Sienna felt heat rise to her cheeks as she admired his smile.

As the scene and song playing on the television came to an end, their eyes met.

Although they stopped moving, they still held each other close.

Sienna looked deep into his eyes. She knew what she wanted to do. There might be a million reasons they shouldn't be together, but she was tired of them.

Life is too short for feelings to go unacted upon.


Calum didn't have time to say anything but her name before Sienna slammed her lips onto his.

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