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I knelt on the ground, water from the earlier rain soaking through the fabric of my pants.

"Hi Mom." I smiled softly. "I miss you. So does Tyson. He was supposed to come stay with us for the school year." I sighed. "I suck at this."

Orin stood up. "Is it okay if I leave you alone for a little while? Mera asked me to-"

"Go ahead. I'm not going anywhere."

I watched him until I was sure he was gone. I didn't move, keeping my eyes trained on my mom and Paul's headstone. "If you're going to stalk someone, don't do it in a cemetery."

"We're going to do better than stalking."

I stood, and slipped my hand into my pocket. "Do you really want to do this? We both know how it's going to end."

"With you laying bleeding out on your mother's grave."

"As tempting as that sounds, I have plans later. Maybe we can reschedule that? Or you can take a number and I can call you when I get to you."

The monster growled. "Or you can die, hero."

"Again, that doesn't fit into my schedule." I pulled out Riptide and uncapped it. "So how about we get this over with so I can get on with my day?"

Before they had a chance to respond, I leapt at them. Riptide sliced through them and then the headstone next to them. As the monster dissolved into dust, part of the headstone slid off and hit the ground.

I winced. "Oops. Sorry dead person." I capped Riptide and placed it back in my pocket. I sat down where I was earlier and hoped Orin wouldn't notice when he came back.

It turns out that almost a third of a headstone being lopped off is hard to miss.

"What do you think they'll say this time?" He asked.

"Something that will get me in trouble. Hey, can you call Bruce and tell him-"

"Already did. Do you want a ride or can you get there by yourself?"

"I'll call Mrs O'Leary and then Rainbow can get me the rest of the way there."

Orin nodded and I walked with him out of the cemetery, parting ways with him as he went to his car and I headed for an area cloaked in shadow. I whistled and Mrs O'Leary leaped out in front of me, her tail pounding against a building.

I climbed onto her back. "Go to Montauk girl."

She barked and rushed into a shadow. I kept a tight grip on her as everything went dark. It was cold, but Nico's colder when he's angry or upset. For the record, Thalia is hot when she's angry. Pretty sure she burned one of the boys in the Aphrodite cabin once.

As Mrs O'Leary let me slide off, she let out a massive yawn and curled up.

I smiled and walked to the water. I dipped my hand in the water and focused. It didn't take long for Rainbow to show up and it wasn't long after that I found myself outside my dad's palace.

"Thanks Rainbow." I smiled. Swimming past the guards, I didn't give them a chance to send word to my dad.

The halls were busy, since Dad lets some of the far traveling nobles stay on their way to events. Greek hospitality, treat strangers well cause they might be gods and they might kill you. Or in this case, don't refuse the god's hospitality or he'll take your title away.

No one noticed me, thanks to the poor servants who had dropped the trunk they were carrying. The halls closer to my room were much quieter and I released a sigh of relief as I shut the door behind me.

The room was as messy as I had left it, with blankets hanging off of the bed and dirty clothes piled on the floor. I convinced Dad to give me my own room because I kept forgetting to pick up my clothes and I felt bad.

I walked to my closet, staring at the clothes held within. I pressed my lips together. Every option seemed the same, so I kept staring.

"The blue one looks nice on you."

"You'd say that about any one of these." I looked at Dad.

He smiled. "It does look good on you. Here." He held a box out towards me.

"Can you put it on my bed?"

He sat the box down. "Don't complain and don't try to throw it away somewhere. Again."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed some clothes. "Like I could get away with it. Are you going to have people 'help' with my hair or are you going to trust me enough to do it myself for once?"

"You're almost seventeen."

"Which means you should let me do my own hair."

"Two servants will be in shortly. Don't give them trouble." He said, leaving before I could argue.

"Thanks for giving me a choice!" I yelled at the closed door, before quickly changing into my outfit. The sheer material of my skirt floated with the gentle movement of the water as I cussed and struggled to get the top on. By the time I got it on, my arms hurt. I shook them.

"You do not have the top on correctly."

"Do I look like I care?"

The other servant swam over and adjusted the top. Almost instantly I felt more comfortable, like someone wasn't pinning my shoulders together.

"Is that better, Your Highness?"

"Yeah, sure." I grabbed the box from my bed, sat it on the vanity, and opened it to reveal my tiara. "Now can we get this over with?"

I'm just chilling. Debating on if I should go to bed or not

I'll start the chain this time so...

See yah

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