Chapter 3

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I woke up again at about 7:30 in the morning, to the sound of my alarm on my phone screaming at me. I slowly crawl out of bed and go to take a shower seeing as im all sweaty from another nightmare. After the shower and making something of myself, after being deprived of the proper amout of sleep, i end up doing my make-up natrual, my hair in a messy bun, and wearing a form fitting long sleeve shirt with a pair of skinny jeans, converse,and my favorite batman beanie.

I stomp downstairs to the warily amused faces of my parents.
"Morning sweetheart"My mom sings while she places a plate of fresh strawberries and waffles with whipped cream and bacon, my favorite. I murmur what can be passed off as a thanks while stuffing my face. My older brother eventually makes his way down stairs and nods at me while going to the fridge and grabbing the whole gallon of milk and downing it. I shake my head in disapproval,not wanting to get food on the sleeves of my shirt i roll them up, and pick back up my forks and knife. Mid way into places a piece of waffle into my mouth i hear my mom gasp and drop a glass. i look up instantly to see her eyes immensely focused on me.
"Mom?" I say questioningly, everyone now staring at me, i begin to feel selfconcious and begin to roll down the sleeves of my shirt, and debating the best method of escape. My dad grabs my right arm and rolls the sleeve back and glares at my arm which is intricately covered in Henna, from the back of my hand starting in between my ring, and middle finger, and ending in the center of my forearm.
"When did you do this!" He harshly questions
"Never i dont even know where it came from" I say attempting to pull my arm back so that i can just leave.
"Are you lying to me" He accuses, now it's my turn to glare.
"No." I nearly growl as i snatch my arms back. pull down the sleeve grab my keys and walk out the door slamming it behind me. I stay close to the door so that i can hear what they're saying, in hushed whispers i can hear them talking to eachother.
"Jonathan, it's starting." my mom squeaks out nervously
"Relax Belinda as long as she doesn't know what's going on she's powerless" He says in a remotly distant tone
"Yes but she's brilliant she'll figure it out and when she does what what what will she do to us?"
"Kill you" my brother spits out cruely.
"What makes you think you're above her killing you" My dad fumes
"She'll know who truly has her best interest at heart"
"Well what are you going to tell her what she is?"
"That's nothing to be ashamed of, it makes her powerful." My brother counters
"It makes her dangerous"
"It makes her uncontrolable that's what you're afriad of."
"She's a threat to life as we know it."
"NO SHE'S A THREAT TO TYRANT RULE!" My brother roars making sure he gets his point across. With that im about five seconds away from a panick attack i run to my truck parked on the curve, shove the key in the ignition and stomp on the gas not caring much about the speed limit, using the rush to clear my mind. I pull into the school parking lot with a fake chill, and calm. I look up to see my best friend Ana-Lia jogging up to me. I put on my Dolce&Gabana shades while getting out of the truck. Everything just seemed extremly bright expecially Lia.
"What's you're deal?" I ask while opening my backseat and grabbing my bag and books.
"Welllll..." She stalled i turned around black designer bag on one shoulder binders and books in the other arm, readjusting my bun i raise my eyebrows at her, telling her to hurry up and quit stalling. taking the hint she goes on her rampage she's been holding back all morning. "Wellllllllll there's this new kid and my phones been blowing up all moring with all the girls telling me he's like to die for . I didn't believe it then i got here and i saw him, and OH MY GOSH GIRL!!! He's gorgeous. like he has like this dark and like intimidating look and there has to be washboard abs under that shirt and oh my those biceps and then he's like 6'5 and his eyes." She stops to add suspense, i give my signiture what do you want me to say to prod you along look. She stays silent, so i roll my eyes and humor her.
"What color are his eyes hun?"
"Green, like color of the greenest grass green like it's soo creepy, but soo sexy, like hotter than your brother i want to." I cut her off right there
"First of all, the fact that you think Hunter is hot is disgusting,second i'm sure the only reason you think he's hot is probably cause he's new." I say while putting all of books i don't need into my locker and turn to walk to my first period class which we don't have together, actually we won't see each other till lunch. i look in the direction of my class and then back her, signaling that this conversation is dead and buried and never to be brought up again. She rolls her eyes.
"Fine but don't think i don't know that something is bothering you, we're talking later no options."
"Fine, can i go?" i say kind of exasperated, she nods, and i sigh, playfully bumping her, she giggles and shakes her head before hurrying to class. I walk into to class and the whole room goes silent, i raise a quizzical eyebrow, people stopped being so interested in me about two years ago. So reaching a logical explanation, of the new kid being behind me. I shake my head at the simplicity of the high school mind, and take my seat. To my luck, the new kid ends up sitting right next to me. I do my best to ignore his presence but even that can't keep from "getting to know him". According to the awe struck whispering girls his name is Dante, he's 17, he's from Italy, and he's to die for. I roll my eyes at their worthless chatter about someone who could care less about them.
"Find something amusing?" A deep voice breaks my internal mockery of the stupidity of mankind.
"Yea actually i do." I say focusing my eyes forward, willing myself not to look and him or rather Dante.
"You wanna know what i find amusing?" Dante questions leaning in towards my ear. Oh my word this kid is forward, but i keep my cool. Raising a skeptical eyebrow i respond, praying my voice doesn't break.
"No, not really." I give myself a mental pat on the back, but felt puzzled when he chuckled in my ear, not only did the sound make my head go all fuzzy but it also gave me butterflies.
"Well, i'll tell you anyway. It's the fact that you won't look at me. You're the only girl that isn't breaking her neck trying to get a good enough look at me." i bite down on my lip, dear god i'm going to crack. "Come on you can live without one fangirl." I say in a mocking tone
"Look at me." He whispers slowly in my ear, annunciating every word. Dear God his voice, i sigh and slowly turn my head to face his, and feel my heart stop. His so so so so, i can't put my finger on it but something about him is calling me to him. And it's not just his looks because i mean as gorgeous as he is, it's not what's making me want him. There's this connection like a switch just turned on in my head, and i feel like he has the answers i need especially after this morning and the way my parents were talking and acting.
"Do i know you?" I ask slowly
"In due time." He answers just as slowy, I snort unbelievable barely met the kid and he thinks he has the answers to solve my life. I roll my eyes and decide to humor him.
"So what do i do until then?"
"Have faith and wait." He says simply
"I want answers now, if you have them." I nearly spit out, feeling like he was just playing with my emotions, i honestly don't care about what he had to say, but it felt like he was playing me, and I hate being played.
"You wouldn't be able to handle it, even if i did have the time or patience to explain" He says back as if making it clear that this conversation was over. And i don't know why but i get this weird sensation of deja-vu.
"Try me." I say challengingly
"You say that every time." He whippers so low i barely catch it.
"What was that?" I say wanting to make sure i heard him right. But he just shakes his head. "Wow this was a waste of time."
"Let me ask you a question" he sighs obviously losing his patience, but hey he started this.
"Have you ever just believed in something, just because?"
"Uh no that's completely irrational" i roll my eyes, but he just laughs.
"So is everything else in life."
"So where does that leave me?
"That leaves you to make a decision."
"Like what?"
"Like to open your eyes to everything around you and take your place in this chaotic other words believe or to stay oblivious to the world around you and become a single blur in a world of trillions of blurs with no place and no purpose. The choice is yours. " He says while gathering up his stuff, i'm about to say something like why is he packing up, or what the hell is he talking about, but the bell rings and he rushes out of the classroom. Leaving me there feeling utterly confused and awkward.

Heyyy guyyyyss just thought I'd let you know that the picture on the side is Dante

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