Chapter 8

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"CALLA" I hear her before I see her.
"Ana-Lia" I sing out knowing full well she hates being called her full name.
"I hear your staying on our territory for awhile" she squeals while taking hold of my arm.
"Yes ma'am" I counter while watching some of the guys in the pack show Derek and Gabriel what rooms to put our stuff in. I don't realize it but Ana leading me to our spot just for squad, where just us girls can go and talk without anyone finding us. She stops when we get to the secret room in what we call the Garden of Eden. She takes a seat on her cushon to the left mine I look up and the other two girls are there also and that's when I know I'm going to have to start explaining. So before they bombard me with questions I tell them everything,when I finish I'm leaning on a column and staring at them with a raised eyebrow.
"So are you gonna die?" Clairy asks with tears welling up in her eyes. I roll mine, oh Clairy always the dramatic one.
"No!" Ana snaps obviously not liking the thought of me dying.
"But your father if you can even call him that, he'll kill you when he finds out what you are." Letta points out. "And there's nothing wrong with vampires"she growls out defensively. I may have told them about all of my dreams thus far.
"No, not if you're born that way, but if you're turned..well we all know how that goes" I say with a sigh, I know we're all thinking about Tyler. Clairy happens to be the one to bring us out of our sad memories.
"Listen I know your father won't take the fact that you almost killed him lightly" Clairy pipes up again.
"Urgh you guys are all saying things that I already know!" I growl out in frustration. Ana quickly comes to everyone's rescue.
"Which is exactly why she's staying here, he wouldn't dare cross into our territory we're not roguand we have done nothing wrong" she says confidently.
"And if he does?" Letta says while laying back so she can stare at the sky, through the glass ceiling.
"Then he dies" Ana growls out lowly making us all turn and look at her in shock.
"You're definitely an Alpha" I mutter under my breath.
"Exactly, and I consider you all and your families a part of my pack, so if these Bursurkers," she growls out the name "cause any problems let me know. Now excuse me, my father just mindlinked me, I have pack business to handle." With that she stands up and walks out of the room. Leaving us there in awe of the strong Alpha she is becoming. After coming out of our shock Clairy, Letta and I discuss the last minute details about Ana's party tomorrow.
Eventually I find myself in the kitchen. The girls left a while ago and Ana is still handling pack business. So I decide to cook in this master piece of a kitchen. I walk along the island running my fingertips along the dark marble while trying to decide what to cook and how much of it to make. I finally decide on seafood gumbo with yellow rice and peta bread. I'm saltueing the vegetables and preparing the seafood when I hear that voice again.
Cooking for Gabriel are we?
No, I growl back I'm cooking because it's relaxing and something to do
If you say so. the voice taunts me., and by now talking to the voice feels natural it carries on like a normal conversation.
What are you anyway? I questions while pouring the red sauce into the large pot.
Sweety I'm you're inner Angel, since your not a full angel and all. That comment makes me scowl and I shut the voice out fully concentrating on the meal I'm preparing. About an hour later the gumbo is done and simmering, the rice done and moved off if the burner so it doesn't burn and I just finished making the bread. People are starting to wander in attracted by the smell that's floating throughout the house. I feel a little tug on my leg as I go to put the food in serving plates and bowls, I look down and smile when I see a little dark haired grey eyed girl, I put the plate of bread I'm holding down.
"Yes?" I smile at the girl.
"Is all of that for us?" She questions while wrinkling her cute little button nose in confusion.
"Of course it is" I say chuckling when she pouts her tiny pink lips.
"But your not like us, are you new to the pack?" She says crossing her arms.
"No I'm not like you and I've always been welcome here your new Alpha is my bestfriend" I say having to hold my breath to keep from laughing in the girls face, she's trying to be tough and intimidating but she just looks,utterly adorable. Her eyes go wide at the mention of her Alpha.
"You're best friends with Alpha Ana-Lia?!" She exclaims clapping her hands in excitement. I wince a little knowing that Ana hates being called her full name, knowing she must hear all the time here it's no wonder.
"Yes I am sweetheart" I say, she finally gives me a smile and reaches her arms out for me to pick her up. I finish putting the food on the island and on serving dishes while carrying little Carrie Joe on my hip. I've just finished and the house is bombarded with werewolves, I close my eyes and try to control the itching need to defend myself, I know they're harmless but there's just so many.
"You alright?" I look up to see Gabriel pulling a sleepy and hungry Carrie off of my hip and I nod my head and wipe my eyes, no tears thank God.
"Yeah I'm fine." I respond while wiping my hands off on the apron I'm wearing while pulling it off. I watch as the young and the old eat first, then the teens, then the adults , then the Alpha family. I like what it symbolizes it truly shows who takes care of who.
"I see youve taken my job" I turn to see Ana's mom standing there smiling at me.
"Momma Lana!" I exclaim while we embrace each other in a hug.
Soon afterwards I'm reunited with all of my second family and showing Gabriel off to almost everyone, even though I'm unsure what we really are. But what I do know is that I can't stand it when other girls eye him down and try to flirt with it, every time I begin to lose control to jealousy I feel a warm hand on my back or squeeze mine and I instantly calm. And that he makes me feel warm safe and loved, I could stare at him all day and and well I want to jump his bones right about now. With that thought he looks at me smirks and raises an eyebrow. I lean over and whisper in his ear.
"Are you reading my mind right now?" He looks at me with a hooded expression.
"Yes" I look at him and immediately realize I need to snap out if this daydream that everything is fine.
"We need to talk" I say while standing and walking towards The Garden of Eden, I walk by what the girls and I like to call the endless rose bush, I keep walking through the maze of tall hedges and flowers till I get to the top of the hill, I lean on the Cherry blossom tree for support and wait for him, because I know he followed me. I close my eyes while I wait allowing my other senses to advance, I take the time to feel the moisture in the air , smell the sweet cherry blossoms and fastly approaching rain. I listen to the gathering going on all the voices, and noises people make while living, I hear the rustling in the trees and hedges as the little creatures get settled in before the storm. I hear everything and feel barely anything, so why is it that I feel him before I hear him.
"You said that you knew about my tears." I keep my eyes closed, I want to feel his presence not just see him.
"Yes" I feel him starring at me starting with my face, I have to bite my lip to keep from squirming when I feel his gaze slide over my body.
"Well tell me" I need answers and I know that he has them all, but i also know theres only so much he'll tell me.
"It's from your fallen side, it's the part of you that feeds off of anger, pain, and depression. It's why when you feel these emotions they're extremely hard to control, and usually tear you apart." As he stops speaking I think of what happened at the old house, I almost killed someone because I couldn't control my emotions. But what I've been hiding is that anger didn't make me lose control, fear did. My fear made me think it was necessary to destroy and kill to survive. I take a deep breath.
"I know what the voice is now"
"Good then you should know that you have two of them, one will help you and one will try to destroy you. You will be able too tell which is which when the second appears" that spikes a wave of fear and I feel panick begin to set in, but I also feel him coming closer and that relaxs me.
"What are we" I finally voice the question that made me even want to have this talk.
"We're lovers, we're soul mates." His lips brush against mine before he pulls away, I whimper at the loss of contact. Okay so we are together, satisfied with that answer I finally open my eyes to see him almost close enough for our noses to touch and his staring start into my eyes, strait into my soul. I can't do anything but stare back, this man has my heart even though I've only known him for what a week, but I've known him in another life and oh we've got that spark. I lean forward begging him to close the gap and kiss me. He smirks.
"Do you want me?" He asks casually while his left hand is trailing up my side.
"Yes" I say while running my hands down his chest to his waist.
"Do you love me?" He asks this time looking into my eyes.
"Yes" I answer and I think the honesty in my voice stuns both of us for a second, but I quickly recooperate. Sliding my fingers in the belt loop of his jeans I pull his body flush to mine. He grabs the back of my head pulling me to him and takes my mouth with his. I melt, my knees go weak and the only thing holding me up his him.
"Calla!" We break apart to see Letta standing there with a stressed look on her face. I immediately pull away from Gabriel and go to her.
"What is it Letta?" I question her already beginning to feel nervous , I feel Gabriel come up behind me and instantly relax.
"I know what they want with you" She says worry and fear plastered all over her face.
"Who" Gabriel and say at the same time.
"Loki and Lucifer" she whispers like if she we're to say it loud enough they'll appear. I was about to respond then thought better of it.
"The Temple." Is all I say and I lead the way through the Garden of Eden to our hideout. Gabriel gasps when we get there. "WHAT?" I question panick starting to ruse again.
"This place, its remarkable the sanctity of this place, I can't describe it words. How can she enter if you don't mind me asking?" He gestures to Letta.
"My name is Letta and I can enter because she wants me to." She says while placing her hands on her hips.
"Lettaaa" I whine, she knows how I get about waiting for information.
"Right well apparently you're just the weapon they need to tip the scales in the war. And if you aren't well they want to use to give an heir to Loki and Lucifer, and one or both of them will be the weapon." I grimace in disgust.
"Over my dead body" Gabriel growls, I place hand on his chest to calm him.
"She's just warning us" I say soothingly.
"How does she know anyway" he says accusingly. I roll my eyes and take in my scenery the Temple looks very much like a Greco/Roman building the columns look like the structural support even though the walls are rose hedges that have grown up way to high to bother to be trimmed back not that anyone knows this place exist to groom it which explains the moss growing on the columns and how unruly the roses have gotten. Where the doorway is suppose to be vines with beautiful orchaids on them act as the barrier, and the glass roof gives allows you to see the sky at all times, but most of all the pure beauty of the place lets you know it hasn't been touched by man in a long time. Resting my chin on Gabriel's shoulder I tune back into what's being said.
"Because I'm a vampire, a born vampire, so yes I'm a child of the night. We're not all evil same with everything else. But it's a community and you hear things through the grapevine. And I heard that there was a price on her head. So I listened closer and I got the information I needed." I have to admit Letta is smart and she's always looked after me and I trust her.
"Does Ana know?" They both look at me shocked that I'm even paying attention.
"No." Letta shifts uncomfortablely.
"Good don't tell her until tomorrow after her party, and we'll discuss plans of action then okay?" I finish leaving no room for disagreement. They both nod at me and we stand up and leave. Letta takes off to go hunt and Gabriel and I walk hand in hand back to the pack house. We stop in front of my room and he takes me by surprise by cupping my face and looking me in the eyes.
"You know I love you right?" I nod " And that I won't let anything happen to right?"I nod again and he kisses me slow and sweet before breaking away and walking down the hall with his hands in his pockets.
And that ladies and gentleman is how I fell asleep with a smile on my face even through all the madness.

P.S. that's a picture of the kitchen (my dream kitchen) on the side Lol

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