Raihan x Reader

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Loving Dragons

Years ago, when you were barely old enough to start your Pokémon journey, disaster hit. A wild, rampaging Onix destroyed your home, only you were able to escape. Frightened by the Pokémon, you took off running in the dead of night.

Tree limbs smacked your face as the cries of nocturnal Pokémon filled the night. Fire burned deep within your lungs but you refused to stop, refused to let that Pokémon catch up to you. All your life you had been reserved, so to speak, when it came to interacting with Pokémon. Most of the ones your family had towered overhead, seemingly impossible to approach. After the night's earlier events, it seemed you'd never go near one again.

After running for what seemed like an eternity, the tree line cleared up ahead and, to your dismay, found yourself standing in the Wild Area. Pokémon roaming across rolling hills, playing in the tall grass or splashing about in the lakes. For trainers, the Wild Area was Poké-Heaven on Earth. For you, it was a living nightmare.

Fatigue washed over your body, sending you tumbling down a hill. Too exhausted to move, the gentle swaying of cool grass in the wind lulled you into a fitful sleep.

Morning light surfed over the Wild Area in golden rays as you woke. The warmth of a blanket hindering the early morning chill. A blanket? Body lurched forward, scanning the nearby area. A short distance away, sprawled out from inside a tent lie a boy around your age.

His black hair stuck out in all directions causing you to softly laugh. Beside him, his partner Trapinch stirred, looking up at you curiously. Noticing the Pokémon, you yelped, falling backwards and waking the boy with a start. Hopping to his feet and quickly looking around, his teal eyes landed on you.

"You're not hurt, are you?" The boy moved closer, offer you a hand.

Shakingly accepting it, you allowed him to pull you up. "I...I don't think so."

He was about to say something when his Trapinch crawled over, scaring you again. With another help you darted behind the slightly taller boy, clinging to his shirt.

"Scared of Trapinch, that's strange."

"Why's that? Pokémon are," your voice quieted to barely a whisper, "They're scary."

He peered over his shoulder, shock brightening his eyes. "You're saying you're scared of your own Pokémon?"

Your own Pokémon? What was this guy talking about. Just then, movement under the blanket you had dropped caught your eye. Slowly, another Trapinch, this one differently colored, crawled out. It peered around as if looking for something. The Pokémon's gaze moved first to the other Trapinch then to the boy before finally find you. Joy overtook the small Pokémon, rocking side to side happily.

"It's because of your Trapinch that we found you." The boy, who you learned was called Raihan, explained how he and Trapinch were training when they heard fighting. When they arrived, the greenish Trapinch had been protecting you from other wild Pokémon and injured itself fairly badly. That's when Raihan helped the two of you.

He went on to talk about his love for Dragon type Pokémon and his rivalry with someone named Leon. The more you listened, the more you found yourself being pulled in by his overwhelming love for his Pokémon. All the while, the green Trapinch watched, sitting far enough away as not to scare you again. Looking at the Pokémon, you to explain the recent loss of your family to a rampaging Onix, your fear of Pokémon and how that Trapinch wasn't yours.

Raihan stood, casually walking over to both Trapinch. "These guys are smaller than those other Pokémon and I doubt they would hurt you. Especially this guy." He rubbed the green Trapinch underneath it's chin.

Still scared, yet encouraged, you carefully made your way over to them. You clung onto Raihan's shirt again with one had as he firmly held the other, guiding it closer to the Pokémon.

"Dragons are loyal to those they trust."

Trapinch's smooth skin was cool to the touch. Frozen beneath Raihan's hand, neither you nor Trapinch moved. Moving your hand over the Pokémon's head, it became quite clear it wouldn't hurt you. Pure joy filled your heart for the first time as you continued to pet and play with the Ground type Pokémon. All the while, Raihan stood back, watching with a fanged smile.

Now, years later, you find yourself standing on the pitch, stadium lights beaming down on the crowd-less arena. Even though it would be an unofficial match, you didn't care. The boy who saved you, taught you to love Pokémon, especially Dragon types, stood now as a man and your opponent. In your own right you had become known all around Galar as a Dragon master.

Standing before the teal eyed tamer of dragons, excitement coursed through your veins. Your team ready to face off in a clash of dragons lead by your trust partner, Flygon. A fanged smirk crossed his face, his Rotom phone hovering through the air capturing pictures of you both.

"I've been waiting for you."

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