I felt my eyes burn and I struggled even more so. "Stop being annoying." Shi-hyung spoke simply, and I hesitated for only a second before continuing my rage.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME ANNOYING! PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW OR ELSE!" I screamed and he threw me down. I bounced up as I felt myself hit a soft substance. A bed.

I growled and scrambled to stand but I felt a hand on my chest holding me down. "Calm down, you're scaring everyone." 

"Dont touch me!" I began peeling at his fingers and he just pushed the breath out of me with a single push.

"I said, calm down." He growled and I kicked at him. He just sighed and kept out of the way of my feet. I yelled and kicked, punched, and cried and he just sat there, holding me down and kept me away. I felt like a malfunctioning robot, everything felt haywire and I felt like I needed to get out and kill something. 

Eventually I fell silent, my kicking and punching ceased. My arms were exhausted and my feet aswell. I felt bruises on my chest and stomach on where Mori had been holding me down.

"Let go." I said, my voice hoarse.

"Are you calm now?" He asked and I nodded. He removed his hand and I lay there, my breathing still ragged. He didn't say anything, he just sat there next to me. "Do you want to go back home?" I nodded. "Why?"

"I can't stand the ocean." I said, my head spinning as I pushed myself up weakly.

"Its only for a couple days. Endure it for Cyura." 

"..You are no longer my hyung." I mumbled angrily, avoiding looking at  his figure.

"I'll live." He replied simply and stood up. "Unpack and come to the beach when you're done. I expect you to apologize to everyone."

"Get out." I hissed and threw a pillow at him weakly.  It didn't even make halfway to the doorway, and he was gone, shutting the door behind himself.

 - - - - -

I was wearing my swim shorts and a swim shirt to hide the marks I had gotten from the brutal training's to become Cyura's body guard. However there were still marks on my arms from the cigarette burns and others from the dark trials to go up the ranks in the gang back in Korea.

Cyura was used to seeing this so she didn't say anything. In fact, I haven't spoken a word since I've walked behind her at the beach. I doused myself in cologne, anything to keep the smell of the ocean away from me, and so far it was working. I sat on the beach towel and watched Cyura from afar.

"..Vero-chan?" I didn't respond. "Vero-chan?" Honey asked again. I sighed and turned to look at him. 


"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

"No." I replied emotionlessly, and wrapped my arms around my legs.

"Do you wanna look for shells with me?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Ask Cyura." 

"I already diiidddd." Honey whined.

"Ask Haruhi."

"Okay!!" He said and ran off, followed by Mori whom I ignored.

Kyouya sat next to me, clipboard in hand. I ignored him and he coughed.

"You'd better join Cyura, it looks like she's lost something." 

I looked to Cyura and sighed, she was bending over, in her bikini and swimming skirt. True to the statement, she was sifting through the wet sand.

I stood up and walked along the hot sand to her. I didn't say anything but she knew I was there. "My charm bracelet unhooked and it fell in the water somewhere."

As I bent over to begin sifting through the water the strong smell of the ocean caused me to become nausuous and I covered my mouth, but that didn't help considerng my hand now smelled like the ocean.

She looked at me. "Vero-?"

"A-Ask somone else to help you." I mumbled and stepped away from the water, walking backwards.

Cyura grabbed my hand. 'Vero, talk to me."

"Let go."


"I hate the ocean!" I snapped at her and when I focused onto her face, she looked serious.

"Come with me." Her voice was as iron as her grip and she dragged me behind her. She went to our umbrella and grabbed a floaty tire thing and placed it on the water. "Sit." She commanded.

I hesitated but she dragged me foward, and pushed me onto the center so I'd sit in it. I did so, my movements flinchy and edgy. She began to push me into the water and I began to panic. 

"Cyura." She ignored me. "Cyura please no, I can't swim, please don't." I felt my breathing become ragid. She ignored me again and I looked around for an exit but we were far from shore and there was no way I'd be able to touch the bottom. 

"Calm down. I'm right here." She said, but that didn't ease me at all. "Just close your eyes." 

"Cyura please bring me back." I pleaded. 

"Close your eyes. Just relax a little, I'll push us back." She replied finally and I hesitatingly shut my eyes.

It was quiet for a long time. I felt myself being pushed and pulled by the waves and slowly felt myself become calm, though there was still an anxious knot in my stomach and nasuea in my throat.

The silence was broken by a simple. "Uh-oh.." My eyes snapped open and I looked to the sound of the Uh-oh. Cyura was staring back at the beach and I realized how far we were.

"Shit." I hissed.

"I cant push you in, the waves are too hard. I'll swim back and get someone to help push you back."

"Cyura, don't leave me." I begged, but she ignored me and went under water, swimming quickly and strongly back.

I watched her leave and talk to others, but the waves were pushing me back farther out into the large ocean. "Cyura.. don't leave me.." I mumbled quietly and clenched my fists.

I dont know how much time had passed but the sun was setting and I was getting cold. There were rocks around and I tried paddling the tire closer to the large rock.

I tried to sit up in the tire and felt myself slip out of it. I gasped, taking in a quick breath as I felt myself fall under. I flailed, trying my hardest to swim and grabbed the edge of the large rock, pulling myself up and out of the water onto the miniature rock island. 

I gasped for breath, my breathing ragged and hard. "Cyura." I whispered, and stood up slowly, looking at the direction of the beach that wasn't in sight.

"CYURA!!!" I yelled, my voice hoarse and stinging from the air that was turning cold. I sat down and curled up a little. "I'm gonna die.. I'm gonna die. I'm so sorry."

I sat on that cold rock, the water was seeping at my heat and I felt so exhausted.

Looking out into the sky I saw dots of stars. I felt myself grow lonley and curled up into a ball.  I'm so alone. Alone. Alone alone..

I'm going to die alone.. Just like they did.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

*end chapter*

That scene was legit the idea for the whole entire book so far so I'm just... yyy...eehh. Iunno where to go from here now.

buhyeah i finally updated yourwelcome.





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