Wait, is that you?!

Start from the beginning

"Haha, glad I don't have kids of my own yet. I don't believe we've been introduced I'm-" he stopped himself short, as the man across from him had a perplexed look on his face. "What? Is something wrong?" Pixl finished.

Zloy shook his head and waved his hand dismissively. "It's nothing, you just remind me of someone." His Russian accent coated his words like honey.

Pixl quirked a brow, "as do you. Tell me, you wouldn't happen to be a Russian Minecraft YouTuber named ZloyX-" he was cut short by Zloy, who jumped up and grabbed Pixl into a hug.

"PIXL! OH MY GOD!" He said in an adorably excited voice, squealing like a teenage girl. He squeezed his much larger friend as hard as he could, grinning like a fool.

"Wait, is that you?!" Pixl said, nearly spilling his wine. He hugged his friend back, even if it was with one arm. He chuckled, a small smile on his face. "It's nice to finally meet you. Let's go upstairs, we can talk more there."

Zloy nodded, unlatching from his friend and pocketing his phone. He flashed a heart melting grin, practically skipping out the door.

Pixl followed with a similar look on his face, happy to have finally met his friend for the second-first time.

When they made it to the ground floor, they had to split up. Pixl had to round everyone up into the living room, and Zloy had to go into the living room to make Pixl's life easier.

After a few minutes, everyone was around the TV, watching whatever New Year's party was going on in the middle of whatever city was being shown. Well, all but two were.

Zloy and Pixl were stealing glances at each other from across the room in between sips of wine, hesitant glances at phones, and conversations with others. It was all quite frustrating for Zloy's friend Iskall who had been trying to get Zloy to admit his feeling for Pixl for quite a while.

So, in typical match-maker fashion, poked Pixl when Zloy wasn't looking. He whispered something into the Brits ear that made him turn a bit red, before nudging him again.

Pixl sighed and made his way over to Zloy, "Hey, Uh.. how way your day?" He asked.

Zloy looked up oddly at Pixl, "good, why do you ask?" He said, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

Pixl shrugged, "no real reason I just uh.. wanted to say hi, you know?" He cleared his throat awkwardly.

Zloy nodded a bit, suddenly becoming very interested in a loose thread in his socks. "Uh.. yeah thanks fo-" however his response was cut short by a chant of numbers.

"10!" Came the first loud collective howl.

"9!" By now more people had joined in the chanting, realizing what was about to happen.

"8!" Some squeaky kids joined in.



"5!" The cheering intensified as the end of the decade drew closer.


"3!" By now the walls were shaking.


"1! Happy new year!" Almost everyone shouted. Wine glasses clinked and hugs and kisses were exchanged, one couple bumped into Zloy because they were so infatuated with each other's lips.

Zloys cheeks burst into a bright pink color as he was knocked into Pixl, he quickly regained his footing and apologized. "S-Sorry! I- it's getting.. a bit hot in here I think I'm going to go outside!" He stuttered out, trying to not blush harder than he was already.

Pixl let out a small chuckle, remembering what Iskall said to him. "He has a little crush on you, but you didn't hear it from me! Go talk to him, I see the way you look at him."

So Pixl did as Pixl does, and asked Zloy a question: "mind if I join you?" He asked.

Zloy seemed to turn even pinker at the question, but nodded his head in simple agreement, stumbling over his own feet trying to find the door.

When he finally burst out of the house, he was relieved to take in a breath of air that wasn't shared with ten other people.

He sat down on Pixl's stairs, brought his knees to his chest, and put his head down in between his knees.

Pixl sat beside him, chuckling slightly at the disheveled state of his friend. "You know.." Pixl said, "Iskall told me about.. you know.. how you feel about me."

Zloy's head perked up, and even in the fading light Pixl could tell his cheeks were red. "No he did- I'm sorry I know it's.. Dumb I..-" he started, recoiling in embarrassment.

Pixl smiled a bit, "Nonono! It's ok. I actually don't mind that much.. to be honest I think I like you too." He blushed, scared to admit it.

Zloy's eyes lit up like Christmas, as he tried not to loose it. "Y- you do!" He bit his lip in excitement.

Pixl nodded, "of course, plus you're cuter in real life~" he teased.

Zloy looked up at Pixl, a blush on his cheeks. "So.. if you think I'm cute you wouldn't mind if I.." he leaned in slowly, only to very quickly lean in and peck Pixls cheek. It was short, sweet, simple, and made both their hearts flutter.

Zloy quickly darted back, "sorry that was too far I shouldn't have I know I know- I-" He abruptly stopped and sucked in his breath when Pixl placed a hand under Zloy's chin.

"Zloy.. calm down. I think you're adorable." He leaned in a little bit, smiling a charming little smile.

"So adorable.. in fact.." he leaned in a bit further, and with a moment of hesitation, kissed Zloy on the lips.

It didn't last very long.

It wasn't particularly good.

But god damn, did it really make Zloy's stomach do flips.

When they broke away, they were both red as the sun. Blushing, but happy. Happy as happy can be.

The ending is kind of rushed together I feel.. could def use improvement but I hope you enjoy anyway :).

Happy new year, starting it off with a bang btw. Literally.

Check Twitter worldwide trending If you don't know what I'm talking about.

-yours, just a bit to young to be drafted, with just a bit too bad eyesight to be drafted, and also female so won't be drafted.

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