"Okay. Fine."

The Dimenti bakery didn't look a day over ten years. I'd never seen it in person because I never bothered to visit, but I'll just have to take Dee's word since he's been here recently.

The door opened and a bell rang. The place smelt nice, like pizza and cake, of course. It wasn't too full then but it was six o'clock in the evening on a Tuesday.

Dee and I sat at the counter where there were a few waitresses serving drinks. The bakery/pizzeria was sort of like a watch-while-we-cook kind of establishment. The ovens were right in front of us while some of the bakers placed raw pizzas in them.

I started to tap at the counter impatiently and looked around for any sign of Alex.

"Are you sure Alex is here?"

Dee rolled his eyes but didn't answer my question. Something about this was fishy...

I idly stared around the place and saw a few posters of 'Paradise' plastered all over the walls. I blushed and looked away when I saw Jayden on them standing, posing with one of his hands up. A bit of his stomach was exposed and I could see his flat abs.

Sooner than I expected, the kitchen door that led to the back opened and Alex came out. He was dressed casually but was still in an apron. His face was clean-shaven, just like he always had it back in high school. I remember he hated facial hair.

Tears involuntarily rolled down my cheeks and I covered my mouth as soon as he looked at me. His eyes widened too, those brown things looked brighter than I'd ever seen them.

I looked at Dee as he smiled at me sheepishly and pointed at Alex. I knew it! He had something to do with this. I didn't care much though when I jumped up from my seat and raced to Alex, hugging him tightly.

"You remind me of mum," he said jokingly. "It's so nice to see you!"

"You... You're here!"

"Yeah! And guess what?"

I pulled apart from him and eyed him crazily as he showed me his left ring finger.

"You're married?!"

He nodded vigorously and hugged me again. Next, he looked at the kitchen door and shouted at it. "Mrs Dimenti! We have a guest!"

My eyes eagerly turned to the kitchen door as Bec walked out wearing an apron as well.

"Bec!" I shoved Alex and jumped at Bec squeezing her happily. "I thought you moved to London."

She smiled at me and placed a kiss on my cheek. "There's something called moving back, idiot," she said with a smile as she rolled her eyes.

"Where have you guys been?! Like, I tried talking to all of you, but it's like you both disappeared from the earth."

The couple looked at each other in the eyes and then back at me. "We're sorry we've been so busy with college and our businesses," said Alex. "In fact, Bec and I are joint owners of this establishment now as well as Bec's textile company."

I clapped at both of them happily. At least they ended up together.

"Enough about us! What about you? How was New York? Aren't you a doctor now? Do you have a cute doctor boyfriend-"

"I thought questions are supposed to be answered," I said and looked back at Dee as he walked out and headed towards the washrooms. Then I turned back to Bec. "New York's good and medical school was too. Well, I had a few boyfriends, but things never worked out-"

"Thank goodness!" Bec screamed in relief. "I thought we'd have to break the news to Jayden."

"Jayden? You guys still speak to him?"

Alex and Bec both smiled and looked behind me. As soon as I noticed that, I turned too and saw Dee and Jayden stand right behind me.

I froze and stared at Jayden unaware that Dee had walked away for a bit. He stared back at me and smiled, which made me smile too. More tears fell from my face as we continued to stare at each other.

He was taller, less scrawny and more muscular. His hair was longer and curlier, darker too. His aids were red instead of the normal black he always had on and he, in general, was more attractive than ever.

"We thought that it would suck if our best friends didn't end up together," I heard Bec say.

"So, we arranged to hook you two up again," Alex added.

Without wasting any time, I hugged Jayden and almost fell down with him. My face was buried deep into his chest and I smelt that familiar scent I was always so eager for.

I felt his chin rest on top of my head and heard his heart beat steadily. When we both pulled apart, he was crying but he had a big smile on his face. He tucked a few of my dark black hair behind my ear and leaned his forehead on mine.

"I hope you got the car I bought you," he said.

I nodded and burst into a sort of crying laughter. "You don't know how much I've missed you Jayden."

He chuckled silently as he closed his eyes. "I've missed you too, Jay."


Y'all thought the story ends in chapter 29?? Nah fam, here's an epilogue.

I am literally crying. Seriously... This book is my baby and I'm watching it grow up. *sad face*

I reread this chapter while listening to the chapter's song and I felt like it would be appropriate. It made me sad. :(

If you hadn't noticed, the songs in the soundtrack match up with the chapter itself. (I HOPE)

Collide was the first song I used and it symbolized Jayden and Jamie colliding (during the game). I thought it would make sense to use it in the last chapter too to symbolize them colliding again as adults.

Anyways, if y'all want a Jayden POV, convince me and I'll write it soon.

As sad as it may be, now, I have to say goodbye for the last time...

CIAO! :(

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