Chapter fourt14n

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"i know," Question is why you're texting me. Maybe he thinks I'm someone else. "its jamie btw."

"yea. i know that 2."

"and ur textn me?"


I sat up on the mattress and smiled at that simple reply. I could imagine him rolling his eyes as he typed that.

Who would've thought? Jayden was speaking to me on his own will. Even though it's only just a text...

"thats a surprise."

"why? dont friends text each other?"

"yea.. but you hated me a few days ago so.."

Jayden didn't text back immediately. I could only see those small 'typing...' speech bubbles pop up and disappear from my screen.

"i never hated u. y think that?"

I wanted to laugh after I read that message. Did he seriously not hate me? And here I thought that he did! Relieved, I texted back "never mind" and placed the phone on the ground next to the mattress. I breathed out with relief.

Why did I assume he hated me though? He just did what any rational person would do if they'd been hurt by someone. Then again, if someone hurts you, you don't exactly like them any more than you did before.

I must be thinking too much about it. I didn't hurt him on purpose after all.

The phone beeped two more times when it was on the ground but I hesitated on checking any new messages. But of course they would be from Jayden.

I stood up slowly and tiptoed out of the room. I felt like I needed fresh air. Plus, I wasn't feeling sleepy anymore.

In the quiet darkness of the living room, I sat down on the couch where I had sat when I was watching the movie. I tried to calm down and breath steadily because I felt like my chest had a huge weight on it.

I always felt bad. I felt bad because of that huge burden I always had. Why can't I just talk to people?! It was always so stressful when someone assumed things about me when, in reality, I was just trying to escape from any and all interaction.

It's not always easy talking to people, but people are what everyone need, my mum once told me and I never thought I'd ever agree with her.

You see, I was diagnosed with SAD, otherwise known as social anxiety disorder, when I was younger, and I've overcome most of it with the help of my mum, Bec and Dee. However, Bec and Dee didn't know of this yet but being with them had made me more social (even though spending time with Dee can be a pain sometimes).

I breathed in and shook the thoughts out of my head. Tears bombarded my face and my vision became blurry. The funny thing is that I didn't even know I was crying. I couldn't feel the tears nor could I stop them. It was as if my eyes were working on their own.

Right then, I heard a door open from the hallway and immediately wiped off the tears but nothing was stopping those eager waterfalls from falling. So I remained silent as I heard footsteps come closer and, eventually, a voice spoke.

"Couldn't sleep too, huh?" That was Ryan's voice, no doubt about it.

I muttered a soft 'yap!' and then buried my face in my PJs' sleeves. I didn't know if Ryan was still there but I begged silently that he didn't see me crying.

When I felt a hand pull my hands away from my face, I flinched. Ryan was there seated next to me and smiling weakly as soon as he saw the wet patches on my sleeves. I looked away as fast as I could before he could even see a single tear roll down my face.

"Listen," he started off. "I've just had the weirdest dream about elephants and raccoons."

I looked at him, confused.

"I know right? I mean, elephants and raccoons?!" He let go of me and brought his hands close to his head to make an explosion motion with them. "Mind-blowing!"

I snorted and tried to smile.

"Yeah and this raccoon...he chased the elephant through this huge aquarium and the elephant was, like, 'HELP! This raccoon wants to eat me!'"

Suddenly, I knew what he was trying to do. He wanted to make me laugh. I was glad that he didn't even ask why I was crying because God knows I'd open the floodgates in a flash!

"Did...did he catch the elephant?"

Ryan shrugged. "I don't know. I woke up."

I looked at the carpet and nodded absent-mindedly.

"I slept enough during my classes this afternoon. Must be why I can't sleep."

I nodded again but I felt like I should just tell him why I couldn't sleep either. So I tried to. " wasn't feeling good... I'm just-"

"Don't tell me," he interrupted. "If you're going to cry again after you tell me, then there was no point in making you laugh, was there?"

I nodded timidly noticing that I had stopped crying.

"Well, I actually woke up to eat something and watch some TV." He stood up from the carpet and walked towards the kitchen. "Want some cereal or something?!"

"Yeah! Thanks!" I shouted back.

"Jay!" Bec screamed from Ryan's room. "Your phone was beeping like crazy!"

She walked into the living room and threw the phone at my lap. I was seated on the couch with Ryan watching 'Bob 'the sponge' Squarepantaloons'.

"Sorry about that."

"Yeah, say sorry to my sleeping schedule."

"Gee, someone's really grumpy when she wakes up," Ryan whispered to me and raised his hand towards Bec for a high-five. Judging by her staring, she'd heard Ryan well enough but still didn't hesitate to slap his palm.

Bec matched back to Ryan's room as both of us laughed at her. After that, I checked my messages eager to see what Jayden had texted me about.

He left quite a number of messages...eleven to be exact.

"im not mean, you know"

"i dont hate people"

"its just that i really dont like them"

"okay mayb thats an exageration"

"how r u doing with practice?"

"i hope u learnt to aim"

"and that u wont disappoint on Saturday."


"u there?"

"see you at school then."

"bye i guess."

After I finished reading all of them, I smiled childishly and tapped in a few words that I most probably will regret sending.

"eleven texts??! u must really like me."


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Now I'm brain dead. See ya tomorrow!


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