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        "Are you sure he won't be mad?"

"Oh he's going to be furious," Soobin laughed at Yeonjun's startled expression, "but he'll get over it, just like he did last time."

Yeonjun squeezed Soobin's hand as they entered the cafeteria together. Soobin has yet to tell Taehyun about the events that happened yesterday because he knew the younger would be livid. Taehyun and Yeonjun still didn't like each other and Soobin assumed because Yeonjun was friends with Beomgyu. Soobin understood why Taehyun might be upset, but at the same time he just wished that Taehyun could be happy for him.

The two boys made it to their lunch table and realized Taehyun was staring at a few kids who formed a circle around something. Yeonjun realized it was where Beomgyu, Kai, and him used to sit and had an uneasy feeling.

"What's going on?" Soobin asked.

"I can't really tell from here. If I had to guess I would think there's a fight," Taehyun turned to look at his friend and rolled his eyes when he saw Yeonjun standing next to him, "I'm going to go see for myself."

Without any hesitation Taehyun jumped up from his seat and headed in that direction. Soobin flashed the older an apologetic smile, but Yeonjun's expression remained emotionless as he stared at the small crowd that began to form.

"Do you wanna go over there?"

Yeonjun responded with a firm nod and dragged Soobin over to his old table. As they got closer, they could start to make out what was being said and it didn't sound very pretty.

"Why would I you anywhere near me? You are a loser! You are a nobody! You are a freak! You are-"

Soobin was easily able to watch the scene unfold, thanks to his height. He saw that Beomgyu was the one making a big ruckus, while Kai didn't put up much of a fight. Soobin felt bad for Kai, but at the same time was relieved that there was no physical contact.

"Please stop it," Kai managed to mutter.

"Why should I?" a smirk played on Beomgyu's lips, "I'm just being honest with you." Kai slowly shook his head, which received a snicker from the older. "Just a few weeks ago you were ready to fight me about literally everything and now you're just going to stand there? You're pitiful."

Kai looked down at his feet, "I just don't want to fight you Beomgyu."

"Scared you'll lose?" Beomgyu crossed his arms and cocked a brow.

"I just don't want to fight you," Kai lifted his gaze to look at the blonde, "because I care about you."

Beomgyu's smile quickly faded into a scowl, "I don't want you to care about me."

"But what about your fam-"

"I don't need want anyone to care about me!" Beomgyu yelled, causing Kai to take a few steps back, "And I definitely don't need your pity!"

"I-I don't care about you because I pity you," Kai frowned and Beomgyu tsked at him, "I care about you because, well, you're my friend." Kai curved his lips into a small smile, in hopes to make the older see how sincere he was being. That last bit of kindness in Kai was stripped away and turned into despair when Beomgyu began to laugh hysterically.

"Friends? With you?" Beomgyu continued to laugh, but held a sad expression on his face, "I would never!"

"You don't mean that!" Kai snapped back.

"O-of course I do," Beomgyu furrowed his brows, "You just-"

"Then what about what happened at my house the first night you stayed over? We agreed to be friends!" Kai tried his best to hold in his tears that threatened to fall at any seconds, "Did that mean nothing to you?"

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