Chapter 25: Strange Things

Start from the beginning

"Well," he played with his hands. "To be honest, I've been having some weird thoughts ever since the Gala. I don't think having Sophie and I together is a smart idea right now."

"Why not? Are they sexual thoughts and you're too embarrassed to be around her?" I asked teasingly. He squeezed his hands into fists.

"No. You guys had said they seemed to change my DNA? I feel like I'm changing." As he spoke, I noted his posture was straighter, his muscles seemed a little bigger, and his voice almost took on a different accent.

"Change of plans. Let's take you to the Professor. I wanna make sure you're all right."

"No." He gripped the steering wheel, making me fight to put the car back on the road.

"What are you doing?! Friday, auto pilot to the X-Mansion. Geek, you and I need to have a talk."


Peter wasn't thrilled about joining me to visit Dr. Strange. Luckily (and unluckily) Wade was napping in my car and decided to join us. We pulled up to his Sanctorum without them killing each other, which is a miracle.

"Yes?" an Asian man greeted us at the door.

"Um, I'm here to see Dr. Strange? I'm Sophie Stark, Iron Man's daughter?"

"We know who you are. What do you want with him?"

"Did we need an appointment?" Wade asked sarcastically.

"No, but it would've been nice to know we were expecting company. Come in, but don't touch anything. Some things bite back," the man warned.

Peter, who'd been about to touch an old helmet, quickly pulled his hand back. I eyed him and Wade, suddenly feeling like I'd brought two children with me. A strange feeling began to grow in my stomach, leading me towards a room behind the grand staircase we were left in front of. Peter was busy arguing with Wade about something or other, as this strange force seemed to pull me towards this room.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A man in a bright red cape came flowing down the staircase, his grey eyes not leaving mine. When he got to where I was, an almost literal spark came between us.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I thought it was you?" He walked around me, looking me up and down as he did so. "You are the one who went missing for a few years, correct?"

"Yes. I don't seem to remember meeting or really hearing much about you before I was taken, or after I came back, for that matter," I pointed out.

"We tend to keep to ourselves as much as possible." We were staring each other down silently until Peter cleared his throat.

"I came here for your help," I finally said.

"With the magic that surrounds you?" Strange guessed.

I was slightly taken aback with that answer. "Not exactly. I had hoped you'd be able to help us with the Prime Minister. I think, in order to do that, we need to figure out where I was."

He smiled. "I've been looking into this case, as well, and I've been having similar thoughts that you were taken to the same place I believe the Prime Minister is now. Have you broken through that memory block yet?"

"Memory block?" Peter stepped forward to listen.

"Yes, it's a complicated spell, but I know you've got some powerful friends. I'm sure Wanda would've been able to remove it for you?" he explained.

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