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Happy New Year Descendants!

2020! Heres hoping it's a year of growth, learning, challenges, and of course, writing. :D

Right now Twisted and I are hanging out because our husbands are both working through the AM. So lucky you, we're posting early. My poor cats are freaking out because of all the fireworks going off around us. We hope you're having a great start to the new year, no matter how you celebrate.

And now... the chapter :)

Are you excited to see what's waiting for the core four in their rooms?


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)


"Oh shit." Jay closes his eyes as he tilts his head to the side, "Fucking seriously?"

Carlos freezes in the door frame, "How?"

Roy steps up to look over Carlos' shoulder and past Jay, "You guys never lock your door," he rolls his eyes, "That's how. David, you might not want to see this man."

David sighs, "But I better." He pushes past the boys into the room. His eyes widen before he turns and takes Carlos by the shoulder. "Do not touch any of it."

"I swear we didn't do it." Carlos pleads as he turns into David's hold.

"I know that. I do. And for so many reasons this is annoying." David quickly tries to assure Carlos, "Just- Just don't clean or organize it." He pulls the boy into his side, "Jay, pack a bag for him please." he walks out of the room, doing his best to keep Carlos from looking back.

"Uh, yeah. I can do that." Jay sighs as he looks around.

"I'll pack the station and COD." Roy offers.

Jay picks up his sports bag to empty it, only to set it down and step back when he finds a pile of jewelry on top. "Fuck man." He groans and turns, "David!"

"Huh." Roy blinks. "Fuck someone really has it out for the four of you."

David peeks back into the room, "Sup Jay?"

"It's fucking everywhere. My gym bag," He carefully looks into Carlos' backpack, "His backpack." He shakes his head.

"Doug's got this." Roy shoves his hands in his pocket. "He's a boy scout. Kid's got bags everywhere. I'm sure he won't mind us borrowing a few of em."

"Good plan Roy. Jay get out here 'till we come back with bags. This shit is lolo."

Jay sighs as he walks out of the room, "Why?" He shakes his head.

"What did we do wrong?" Carlos shakes his head as he leans back against the wall, clutching and twisting the hem of his shirt.

"Nothing." David assures them, his eyes hardening as he looks back in the room before he grabs them both by the shoulder, "Look at me. This is important." Carlos instantly looks him in the eyes, but Jay takes a little longer to look away from the mess in the room, "You did nothing wrong. Nothing." He squeezes their shoulders, "Some people are just ignorant bigots. Best thing you can do in this situation is not rise to their bait." He pulls out his phone when it vibrates. "Okay. Fuck this." He responds as he plays with his phone. "New plan, we're stopping at the mall. Just getting you guys new shit for now. Girls can't get in their room either. Roy. Quickly go grab your green and let's get the hell out of this place."

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