chapter 1: From love to marriage?

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Arjun and anu have been in love with each other for a long time. The duo is currently finishing up their degree at their final university year. Arjun is  already part of a business which is handled by his dad and anu is a assistant for a therapist at a clinic.

As arjun and anu finishes university, they are planning to get married. As soon as they finished their final exams arjun wanted to propose to anu. As time go by exams were over....

Arjun : hey Anu! I wanted to tell you something?¿

Anu : yes da! Tell me....

Arjun quickly kneels down with a ring and asks anu : will you marry me sweety? (Sweety is Anu's nickname)

Anu is happy and suprised

Anu: ofc da! Yess i will marry you!!!!

Arjuns gifts the ring to anu and the duo hugs! Happily they inform their families to arrange for the wedding. As they exchanged the rings which means they are engaged but they will get married after they start working. Anu was kind of worried about her condition as from a certain age she was able to see spirits that wandered without going to their world and she was worried what if this 3rd eye disturbed their lifes.

Anu have never told arjun that she has a 3rd eye and she was able to talk with them. Just because she has this condition anu decided to study physchology and become a psychologist. Anu was scared if she told she had 3rd eye it might scare arjun and worry him so she did not tell him. Anu decided to close the 3rd eye temporarily.

Anu told her dad and asked for help. Her dad brought her to a priest and helped her to close it temporarily. Anu was relieved and the wedding preparations started going on. Meanwhile both anu and arjun did well in their degree, both of them graduated. Since they did well they were able to be become what they wanted. Anu from being a assidtant she is now a psychologist and arjun took over a part of his dad's business.

A few months down their working exprienced the duo got married! They were happy and their lifes were going peacefully until they decided to buy a house for themselves......

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