Arc 1 Chapter 1: Satsuki Kiryuin; Queen Bee

Start from the beginning

You remembered picking up your Odachi and running it's blade along your body when Satsuki questioned your dedication to her cause.

She never repeated that question again.

~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~

You woke up at about four in the morning to prepare for the school day.

Satsuki would wake up an hour after you so it was your job to get the school set up and ready for each day.

You tightened the collar of your shirt around your neck. The outfit you wore was designed by Satsuki Kiryuin and her mother, Ragyo Kiryuin to symbolize your rank above everyone else at Honnouji Academy.

It was a white and blue uniform made to look like an armored male sailor uniform with Epaulettes on each shoulder. The outfit was one of a kind, being developed and created inside of Honnouji Academy's sewing club. When students hear the rhythmic beating of your boots striking the school's floor, they all freeze in fear until you pass.

The outfit was iconic to them.

It was designed to keep you protected from even the sharpest blades, but it wasn't a goku uniform like the leaders of each club had. All of your strength came from the skill you possessed with the six and a half foot Odachi passed down to you by your father.

The massive sword was created from pure steel buried deep underneath the earth and lined with titanium braces for extra stability of the blade.

You had to carry it by hand for holstering the weapon would make walking through doorways extremely difficult. Your nondominant hand would be placed where the blade and hilt guard met. Im the past, the blade of the sword would cut into your palms until you recieved your new uniform. It came with a glove that covers your nondominant hand to prevent the sword from slicing into your palm.

A quick elevator ride took you down to the main portion of Honnouji where you would turn on the lights and disengage the schools high tech nighttime security systems.

The teachers rush into their classrooms when they spot you making your rounds. Those who were moving through the hallway bowed to you as a silent greeting.

You looked up at a clock hanging on an adjacent wall.

You: Five Thirty... time for me to get into position.

You made your way back up to the top of the school's tower.

Everyday, Satsuki would stand at the highest most point of the tower that over looked the main grounds of her school, even in the worst weather imaginable.

You stood behind her each morning as her looming shadow.

The open air atop the tower was cold from the high altitude and wind blowing all around.

The beautiful blue sky abruptly ended where the tall concrete walls surrounding the school grounds began.

Satsuki was already in her place, gazing down at the students trickling into the main building.

Satsuki: Do you know the difference between us and them?

She kept here gaze towards the students.

Her long black hair was flowing in the wind as if it were a cape.

You: What?

Satsuki: Will power. Each of those mindless pigs comply by bells and the rules set into place by me. They know that their living situations depend on their marks here at the Academy, so they panic at every little thing they do wrong. They are no more than lambs to the slaughter.

You: To be fair, they can't really do much against your iron fist. The Elite Four enforce your rules to the point of torturing anyone who steps out of line.

Satsuki: That's the whole point. They don't have the will power to stand against me directly. None of them are able to see that theres an easy way past the hurdles I've set up for them. Tell me, when you want to stop the hand that feeds, do you cut off the fingers? Or do you slit the wrist that supplies the fingers with blood?

You: Slit the wrist.

Satsuki: Exactly. They're too worried about my fingers, the Elite Four, when I, the hand that feeds, goes unharmed. They cannot make change, because they have no will power to get to me directly.

You: Helluva philosophy.

Satsuki lowers her head and chuckles.

Satsuki: I know you don't care about this kind of stuff but those were just some thoughts I needed to put out into words.

You: That's why I'm here.

She turns to look at you.

Satsuki: You need to be more independent... but I do appreciate all you do for me.

You: Of course. I don't know much about life outside of Honnou City's walls so it's hard for me to find a hobby that isn't training.

Satsuki: Tell you what, you and I will take a trip soon. I won't tell you where or when, just that the trip is coming.

You: Alright. Sounds good to me.

Loud siren like bells began to blare out, indicating the beginning of the school day.

There was an odd feeling brewing in your stomach. It was telling you that big things were creeping up over the horizon.

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