Chapter 10

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A/N Okay, can I just say thanks for all of the reads! With this update, I should hopefully reach 7K reads. If you have looked on my Instagram (Morganville_fangirl) you will understand how much this really means to me. I seriously cannot say how happy I am to be getting this many reads! 

Anyway, these chapters are really hard for me to write. Emotional Christmas music seems to help xD. In this chapter, I have started to write with two POVs, just to show both sides of what is happening, otherwise the storyline won't make sense outside of my head.

Anyway, enjoy this, everyone! I love you all!


 closed the front door quietly, and locked it behind me. I hoped that Eve and Michael wouldn’t be up. I didn’t want them to see me like this. I looked a mess. I was a mess.

‘Lizzy?’ I heard Eve say. She walked out of the living room. ‘Honey, what’s wrong?’ She asked, walking over and wrapping her arm around me. 

I shook my head, and fell into her arms, crying. It felt great to be holding onto someone warm. Someone living. 

‘C’mon, honey. Come and sit down.’ She said, walking me through to the living room. I half collapsed onto the settee.

Eve sat down next to me. ‘What happened?’ She asked, grabbing my hand. She looked down at it. ‘Oh.’ She said, noticing I had took my rings off. ‘Honey,’ She said softly. She shook her head. ‘I’ll go get you something.’ She said.

She stood up and walked out. She came back in with a mug of hot chocolate - winter drinks, as Sarah would say - and Michael was following her. She handed me the hot chocolate, and I took a small sip. I didn’t feel like drinking it. 

Michael walked over and sat down at the other side of me. He brushed his hand through my hair. ‘What happened?’ He asked.

I explained everything, trying to not cry. It hurt too much. It hurt to know that I still loved Myrnin.

Myrnin’s POV


I threw a glass beaker at the wall of my lab. It didn’t help. Of course it wouldn’t. Pieces of glass flew back, glittering under the electric lighting. 

I was an idiot. I loved Elizabeth. I hadn’t been in love with anyone as much since… Ada. Claire had thought that that was why I was with Elizabeth. Claire had said that Elizabeth looked similar to Ada. The first day I saw her, when she first came to my lab, I had thought so too. Then I realised that she had so much more to her than Ada did. She cared more. She was more thoughtful. She loved me more than Ada ever did.

As usual, I had to go and ruin whatever that was good in my life. I should have told her about Amelie. She had said not to, but if I had have told Elizabeth everything, this wouldn’t have happened. 

I looked down at the rings I had clenched in my hand. I looked at the engraving on the inside of her wedding ring. Forever it said. Mine says Always. I didn’t want to take mine off. It hurt so much to love her, because I knew that I couldn’t get her back. Forever never happens. We all make promises we can’t keep. Forever is one of those promises. We could never have lasted forever. Nothing ever lasts when I’m involved. 

I thought about what little Claire had said when I told her that I wanted to marry Elizabeth. She had thought that I was joking. ‘Are you sure?’ She had said, after realising I wasn’t joking. ‘Does Elizabeth love you that much? Does she knew everything about you?’ I had thought the last question was harsh, but now I realise that it wasn’t. Who could like me? I was a killer. I was a monster. I was evil. Amelie had once said to me before ‘You have no heart, Myrnin.’. She was right. How can I have a heart and do this to a person I loved? 

This was it. This was the point where I couldn’t go back. Elizabeth hated me, and I was a wreck. 

I slumped down on the floor, leaning against one of my work benches. 

I love you, Elizabeth, I thought. I love you and I can’t let you go. I love you even though you detest me, because I am a fool. I didn’t see that you were scared. I didn’t see that you were angry. You hate me, but I love you. And now I can’t get you back, so I’m lost. I can’t find my way back. I will always love you. 





Elizabeth’s POV


I hated to love him, and that was the worst thing. 

There was a knock at my bedroom door. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t move. It was morning, but I couldn’t sleep. I was just lying in my bed.

‘Liz?’ Shane’s voice came from outside my bedroom door. I couldn’t not let Shane in. Shane cared too much.

‘The doors' unlocked.’ I whispered, but he heard. The door opened and he walked in.

‘Liz,’ He said, and walked over to sit on the edge of my bed. He sighed. 

I knew I looked a mess. I hadn’t taken my make up off, so I had mascara down my face from crying. I was done with crying now. I couldn’t cry any more, and crying wouldn’t change anything. 

‘I’m not going to ask if you’re okay, because I know it’s a stupid question. Love sucks.’ He said. ‘Michael told me everything.'

I nodded. I wasn’t getting out of bed. 

Shane’s phone rang. ‘Sorry.’ He said, and answered it.

It was Claire. 

I lay in bed, doing nothing, until Shane had finished on the phone. He sighed again.

‘Claire’s with Myrnin.’ He said.

I shrugged. 

‘She says Myrnin wants to talk with you.'

I shook my head. ‘I don’t want to talk.’ I said quietly. 

‘He’s in a mess.’ Shane said. It was as if he was pleading. He couldn’t get me to talk to Myrnin. I wasn’t going to. It was over, and he had to get his head around that. 

‘I don’t care.’ I said. 

‘He said for us to tell you one thing.’ Shane said. He stood up and walked to my door. ‘He said ‘forever’.’ 

I pulled my covers over my head, and Shane walked out. 

Forever is never true. There is no such thing as forever.

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