"What happened at the ice skating rink?" Allison asked. "What did you see?"

The girls' walking slowed as Brooke tried to find the right words. "I don't know. It was almost like..." Brooke trailed off as she noticed Allison's eyes trained on something over her shoulder. She turned to see Erica trapping Scott against a row of lockers, their faces dangerously close.

Brooke looked at them in shock, wondering what the hell Erica was doing. She knew that Scott wouldn't even consider joining Derek, so what was she playing at? Allison stared at them a second longer before taking off down the hall.

"Allison, wait!" Brooke called after her.

"What is going on, Brooke?" Allison asked seriously as she whipped around to face here. "I mean, seriously, why did Derek bite Isaac and Erica?"

"Because being in a pack makes you stronger," Brooke answered honestly. Allison shook her head.

"It's not just that, though, is it?" Allison asked. "Can't you see what's happening? Gerard showing up, Derek forming a pack, whatever's going on with Lydia? It's like there's a war coming and we're all going to get stuck in the crossfire."

"No one's going to be in the middle of anything, Al," Brooke told her.

"Maybe not you," Allison said, her eyes looking back at Erica. "It seems like you've already picked your side."

With that, Allison left Brooke standing alone in the middle of the hallway. She pushed back the tears that were pushing at the corner of her eyes and took a deep breath. Brooke turned back around to see Scott standing by himself at the other end.

They made eye contact, the two expressing different emotions. For Scott, it was disappointment. For Brooke, it was heartache. She was being torn in two different directions and she wasn't sure which side was the right one.

She fought this internal battle in her mind all day, trying to focus on her school but miserably failing. She was more than grateful when the last bell of the day rang and was the first person in the room out of her seat. She found Erica standing at her locker and slammed it shut, dragging the blonde behind her.

"Where are we going?" Erika asked. She tried to pull her arm out of Brooke's grip but didn't succeed.

"To check on Boyd," Brooke answered simply. "Also, what the hell are you doing with Scott? I told you not to bother with him."

"I was just messing with him," Erica said, this time successfully pulling her arm out of the other blonde's grasp.

"Well don't," Brooke told her. "Allison's a pretty good shot."

"Maybe I'll just mess with Stiles, then."

Brooke glared at the girl as they exited the school. "Not funny."

Erica looked back. "I wasn't joking."

Before Brooke could hit her, a black Camaro pulled up in front of them. They walked around to the passenger side and Erica pouted as Derek told her to get in the back with Isaac. Brooke smiled as she sat in the passenger seat—it's the small victories that count.

The four drove towards the ice rink, unsurprised to find a familiar looking bike out front. The three walked in through the back door, finding Scott calling up to Boyd who was on the Zamboni.

"If you're looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek," Scott called up to him.

"That really hurts, Scott," Derek said as they got on the ice. "I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus. Erica, how's life been for you since we met?"

"Hm, in a word... transformative," Erica responds, proving her point by displaying her newly developed canines. Brooke tried her hardest not to roll her eyes.

"Isaac?" Derek asked.

"Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that I'm great."

"Brooke, do you have anything to say?" Derek asked as he turned to her.

"Granted Derek isn't perfect," Brooke said to Scott. "But he is the most knowledgeable. And like Allison said, a war is coming. I'm going to put myself on the side that keeps me alive."

"Now hold on," Scott said as Isaac and Erica stepped forward. "This isn't exactly a fair fight."

"Then go home, Scott," Derek said.

"I meant fair for them." Scott easily shifted into his werewolf form. Brooke and Derek took a step back, letting the three beta werewolves fight amongst themselves. Brooke almost laughed a couple of times at them slipping on the ice. Scott knocked the other two down quickly, making Derek and Brooke exchange a small laugh. Scott thought he was powerful—in reality he was just up against two untrained wolves.

"Don't you get it?" Scott yelled at them. "He's not doing this for you. He's just adding to his own power, okay? It's all about him—and Brooke. They may have made it feel like they're giving you some kind of gift, when all they've down is turn you into guard dogs!"

"Is that anyway to talk about a friend?" Brooke asked. She knew he was mad at her, but he was truly being overdramatic about something he didn't understand.

"No, he's right," Derek said. "It is about power. And Safety. And Strength."

Derek walks towards him, easily knocking him down with a few hits. Boyd hopped down from his seat and walked over to Scott, revealing his bite. Also revealing how he wanted to be more like Scott than Derek. Still, he joined the other others as they walked out of the rink.

Derek sent Boyd and Erika home, the other two teens going with him to the subway station. When they arrived, Derek disappeared into the darkness, leaving Brooke and Isaac to stand quietly by themselves. Isaac rubbed his arm, catching Brookes attention.

"Does your arm still hurt?" She asked. He reluctantly nodded. She walked over to him and grabbed his arm, feeling for the bone.

"It didn't heal right. The bone isn't set properly. It happens sometimes," Brooke told him. She took his arm in her hands and forcefully twisted it, causing it to break again.

"Jesus!" Isaac yelled, pulling his arm away from her.

"Sorry," she apologized. "Just trust me."

Isaac stepped next to her and watched as she wrapped her right hand around his arm. She closed her eyes and he felt the bones in his arm heal. Brooke grimaced as the bones in her arm snapped, but relaxed once her injury had healed as well. Isaac looked at her in amazement.

"That was amazing," he said.

Brooke smiled up at him and shrugged. "I try."


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