Yule Ball Preperations

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I slid into my seat at history of magic, happy knowing full well that I had written the worlds worst essay at 4 this morning. 

"How are you James?"

"Charming!" James cheered making himself comfortable on the thin wooden bench, spraying his school books across the desk so poor Remus who took the other side was crammed in the corner. Sirius slid neatly beside me, craning his neck over so he could look at James who was still rambling. "Lily even talked to me today!"

Sirius snorted. "Mate, I don't think screaming that you're "an insolent cow" is getting you anywhere. But suit yourself." Sirius grinned punching his best friend on the shoulder.

I noticed Peter hovering awkwardly over in the corner of the classroom, as though he was afraid of coming any nearer.

"Sit down Peter!" I smiled and patted a place next to Sirius. But Peter just gave a slight smile and shook his head.

"What's up with Pete?" I asked inquisitively

"he uh he had a little bit of a setback with getting girls." James said. His mouth twitched and he struggle to keep a straight face. "he uh tried to get with Kitty Liang's best friend."

"Aw! Peter, don't worry about it whoever that girl is she obviously doesn't deserve you!" I said patting the spot next to me. Now don't think that I didn't hear when James mentioned Kitty Liang, I was just making an effort not to mention her. After Pete had awkwardly taken a seat James went on about talking about what I had missed when I was away making sure that I didn't miss any details (A minute by minute play of every importent event that occurred in the whole 7 hours since I had seen them last). I couldn't help but notice Sirius eyeing my bag.

"What's this?" He pulled out a muggle magazine, featuring none other than Yves and Alain Wertheimer.

"It's an article about my uncle." I flipped to page 3 to show the article detailing the rise in french fashion. I had read it a thousand times, full to the brim with glowing reviews about my uncle as well as an exposé on his experience during conscription.

"An icon who's legacy will last forever." James read outloud over Sirius's shoulder. "Wow, I knew he was famous and all but I didn't realise how big."

"A bit of an act to follow, hey?" I laughed bitterly.

"He worked with Dior?" Sirius read out interested. Of course Sirius knew who Dior was, I strongly suspected he had even worn some Dior in fourth year to spite his parents.

Yea, it's very common that established designers teach the newer apprentices. You can't expect to go straight in and run a company."

"But you will, won't you?"

I shook my head. "I can't, if I take over straight away everybody will think it's nepotism. Which I guess in a way it is, but I have to start from the bottom and work my way up so I can justify myself taking over Yves." None of the boys looked convinced, so I recited the story of my meeting with Luka, the fashion student, last christmas break. 

"But you're already have the best fashion." James seemed confused.

"I have fine fashion. But it's more about running the show, if you don't be dominant people will walk all over you. Besides, they already all hate me because I've never been to fashion school or anything like that. If I just all of a sudden inherit YSL, nobody will take me seriously."

"So will Dior tutor you too?" Sirius asked.

I laughed "No he died a few years ago."

"Alain Weirtheimer manager for Coco Chanel. Coco, I know that name! That's your owl's name!" Peter said excitedly pointing at the logo.

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