Yule Ball

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Hello lovelies, I've tried to keep everything as similar to the books as possible, the only change is that the Yule ball will be for all 6th and 7th year students annually (because who doesn't love getting dressed up and dancing) xxxxx

Also had a few complaints that this story moves slowly. It's a coming of age story and Camilla's an independent woman. Her whole life doesn't just revolve around Sirius. If you don't like it then i'm sorry but this is more than just a love story, it's also about Camilla finding herself and finding her place in the world (cheesy, i know but i love mozzerella).

Also, I promise things will start heating up in the next few chapter hehehe


"I can't find it anywhere!" Lily muttered angrily. "How am I supposed to finish a 12 page essay with no potions textbook." She shoved Charlie and Mary off the couch who had given up looking for their own books. I sighed as I climbed through the Gryffindor portrait hole to be met with a mass of disgruntled students, all looking for their books. There was no question who was behind this. Now usually this situation would result in Lily threatening to blow James's pants off but with my newfound friendship with the boys, I decided to save the entire Gryffindor common room (and James's pants) from another world war and use the charms of bribery (or maybe threatened torture) to calmly diffuse the situation.

"James Potter." I sung from across the common room.

"Yes, Camilla Saint-Laurent?" He asked barely looking up from the parchment the four boys were pouring over. It was almost midnight yet with the holidays just around the corner there was a mad rush to finish the mountain of homework. This however proved to be difficult, as nobody had managed to find a single one of their textbooks.

"Do you have anything to do with the flying books chanting "NERDS NERDS NERDS in Ravenclaw tower?" I asked leaning against the table. Peter snorted. I stole James's glasses causing him to actually look up from the blank piece of parchment (I was getting the feeling these boys were a bit mental).

"No idea what you're talking about." He squinted, making grabbing hands at his glasses.

"Man you really are blind." I said dancing away from him. I jumped behind Lily, who was busy ripping apart the couch looking for her potions textbook. "I'll give them back once you fix the books." I said. James opened his mouth as though he was going to protest.

"Fine." He conceded "But I can't without my glasses."

I shrugged "get Sirius to do it." Sirius threw his hands up, opening his mouth to also protest "Save it Black." I said putting a finger across his mouth. "you don't want to wake up bald again. He rolled his eyes, blanching slightly, presumably at the memory of a few weeks ago. He quickly grabbed his wand and the blank parchment before heading out the common room without a single snide comment (even I was impressed!). In a moment of weakness James made another grab for his glasses. I flicked my wand casually causing his legs to slam together and him to fall to the floor with a large ooft.

"You can do non-verbal spells?" Remus asked shocked, I noticed he backed away slightly.

I shrugged "This idiot taught me." I nodded to the paralysed James who grimaced.

"Stabbed with my own sword." He muttered "Remind me never to cross you again."

I winked at him turning to face Remus and Peter "Do you think I pull off glasses?" Peter stuttered.

"uh - y- uh - yes. Ye. Yes you look beautiful."

I kissed him lightly on the cheek causing him to back away even more, stumbling into the table. I skipped back to the couch joining the other girls who were rooted to their chairs in shock.

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