March's Imperius Curse

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It was as though going to Sirius's uncle's funeral had caused a leap in our friendship. Over the next few weeks, I began to notice Sirius sticking around more often. He would talk to us girls at meals or sit next to me in classes. He also sometimes (very rarely) accompanied me while i was studying. I couldn't tell if it was just me becoming more aware of Sirius's actions or the boys were around more often. It wasn't uncommon for me to overthink things in my head however I was saved from convincing myself I was delusional when Scarlett whispered to me dangerously (With great risk of receiving yet another detention from professor McGonagall for gossiping) during transfiguration.

"Is it just me or are they become pests?" She nodded to James and Peter who were sitting beside us snickering after vanishing only parts of their mice (more specifically certain genitalia). "They're just always around and they're always mucking about." Scarlett sighed dropping her wand defeated.

"They have been with us all week." Mary agreed "It's a real confidence killer." She too was yet to be able to vanish a single object.

"Lily seems to be enjoying it." I said cheekily glancing at Lily who was watching the boys (specifically James) suspiciously through her hair.

"You'd think she'd be staring at Sean." Mary too had given up on her vanishing spells and seemed rather keen to join in the gossip. It was the talk of the week. Lily Evans was dating Sean McLaggen. Unfortunately for Sean, James had gotten wind of this news and had unleashed an onslaught of the most unappealing (but mostly harmless) hexes on the Hufflepuff fifth year resulting in him cowering in the corner, as far away from James as possible. It seemed he was still suffering the lasting effects of a sticking charm which had caused everything he touched to stick to him. This included, but was not limited to, his lunch and lunch cutlery and the chair on which he was sitting while having said lunch.

"The poor boy has really been in the wars." Scarlett said without a hint of sympathy, a small smile playing on her lips.

"That's what you get for taking on James Potter." Mary shrugged. "I don't know about you, but I don't envy being a guy at Hogwarts. If that means competing against James and Sirius, it's a no from me."

"Yea, all we have to do is deal with Rashmi Singh's rumours, fending off the sleezy ones and not looking like absolute brutes standing beside you two." Scarlett countered.

"Touché." Mary picked up her wand and groaned at another unsuccessful attempt at vanishing her mouse.

I had practiced vanishing charms the week before with Lily, however we had stuck to quills and parchment. A whole live mouse was definitely a challenge. It was a nice surprise however when my tawny mouse disappeared. I made a inhumane noise with excitement.

"How are you so good at charms?" Scarlett shook her head, smiling at me.

"I'm not. I practiced with Lily." The next issue i realised I faced was getting my mouse back.

"Exactly, you're good at charms." Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Just take the compliment."

"Sorry... thank you."


Unfortunately, the other person who it seemed I had also gotten closer with was Regulus Black, who after our encounter at the funeral had learnt my name and therefore had placed me as a target for all kinds of mind games.

"Camilla." He nodded to me, falling into step as we walked out of charms towards care of magical creatures. I still hadn't managed to re-conjure my mouse and was in a slight pickle of distress. Scarlett gave me an alarming look from over his shoulder.

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