"When I heard you started going to school, you easily attained all of these friends. I understand your father was strict with who you went out with and what you did, but you were able to go to birthday parties, you brought friends with you to your events, you even had a fling with Kagami before you met Marinette." Felix averted his eyes towards the kitchen where he knew Marinette was.

  "I thought that once you lost your mom, you would understand the pain I felt when I lost my dad. I thought you would change and at least confide to me. I know I didn't treat you well when we first met because I thought you were spoiled and got everything you wanted." Felix glanced back at him, clearing his throat. "You never changed when your mom disappeared. It made me angry, because I wanted you to be bitter and angry and upset like I was when my father died." Felix leaned more so into the chair.

"But you weren't, and I guess that made me even more jealous of your ability to handle things." Felix sighed, his eyes lowering back down to the table top as he was too shameful to look Adrien in his eyes.

"Marinette was the only friend I made. Although I may have exaggerated the way I felt about her when I mentioned that I met her many years ago at her family's bakery. I grew jealous to learn that you were marrying her. I felt jealous that you were able to naturally create a family and be happy, even after everything you had gone through when you lost your mother, you didn't change. I guess I wanted to be like you so bad that I must've taken my anger out on you."

  Adrien gawked at Felix, his lips parting as he tried to let his cousin's words sink in. He glanced away, his heart sinking as he was completely unaware that his cousin had been feeling this way.

  "When I learned you had children and that you were getting married, especially to Marinette..." Felix explained, his voice trembling as he glanced down to compose himself once more.
"I felt angry, that even in the end you were able to steal my first friend. I remained cooped up in my room by my own depression, I never let myself out to enjoy and experience the world."

  Adrien sunk into his seat, his hands folding against one another as he was at loss for words.

  The blonde shook his head, a grimace permeating on his features as he kept his gaze down towards his hands, unsure if he could face Felix.

"I didn't know that you and Marinette had met previously." Adrien pressed his lips together, his heart racing at the thought of the dynamic he had with Ladybug. Unbeknownst to Felix, Adrien had met Marinette as Ladybug for the very first time. There was just an attraction and a mutual understanding the he had with Marinette that no one would understand.

"Marinette and I have a connection that runs deep. I guess you can say that I'm irrevocably in love with her. I only met her after my father allowed me to attend high school, and during the times you and I spent time together, you never once mentioned that Marinette was the girl you felt close to when you met her at the bakery. I had no way of knowing that you felt some sort of attachment to her, and with it being such a long time ago, I didn't think it would matter. As far as I was concerned you both never spoke to each other again after that."

Adrien watched Felix as he nodded subtly, acknowledging Adrien's words and allowed him to speak his truth.

  "I want you to be at my wedding. This moment is huge for both me and Marinette. I know we didn't have the best relationship growing up, but we're still family, you're still my cousin...you're probably the only close connection I have with my mom. Your mother and my mother were really close, I really wanted that for us." Adrien explained, his voice quivering at the mention of his mother. It only felt like yesterday since the last time he had saw his mother and he missed her terribly.

Miraculous: Marinette's Wedding (Final Sequel Of The Marinette's Baby Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now