Chapter 6: Suspicion

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Isabelle's P.O.V.

I brushed my hair and put on my white shirt with NYC on it. I put on some shorts and white vans. Today was my dance competition at the mall. My friend Avery and her mom picked me up and we drove to the mall meeting up with our group. We named our group 'Rivals' two years ago. We were going against 'The Legos' as they called them.

What kind of name is that?

Now is not the time Penny

Oh okay sorry

"Hey Ave where's your sister?" I asked her. Avery's sister was our DJ and still hadn't shown up. "She said she can't make it" she said with sorry eyes. "So where are we going to find a DJ we have to have music!" Lexi said. "I know one" I said and pulled out my phone. I dialed the number and she answered.

I: "Hey Mahogany! Are you busy?"

M: "No not really just chilling at home why?"

I: "Our DJ can't make it and I was wondering if-

M: "Of course girl! I'll be at the mall in five!"

I: "Thanks your the best Lox!"

I hung up and smiled to myself. About five minutes later Mahogany arrived. "Hey Izzy!" She yelled over and hugged me. "Thank you so much" I laughed. "No problem let me set up my DJ equipment" she said. "Okay here's our list of songs" I handed her my list and she smiled. I walked over to my group and we waited and sat down till it was our turn. We watched all the amazing performs perform and then I saw Taylor and Nash in the crowd.

Then the Legos performed. They were good. Really good. Good enough to win. Then they ended there dance and sat down.

"Hey look it's Taylor, Cameron and Nash" Lexi nudged me. "I told them not to come" I laughed to myself. "Now for the Rivaalllss!!" The guy announced and we ran up along with the music.

I moved my hips and legs and jumped and did splits on the ground. I slid under the guys legs. The girls twerked and twisted the hips and danced along the way. Then it was my solo. I did a flip and backed up and popped back up. I smiled as my body moved along with the song. Everyone clapped after my solo part and we all finished our dance.

"Now we are now gonna announce our two winners!" They guy on the speaker said. "The Leggos!!" Everyone clapped and cheered. "Of course" I mumbled. "And The Rivals!" And everyone clapped and cheered as we went up. "Now we our gonna pick one member out of each team to dance against each other" he said and we all looked at each other. "Izzy you should go" Avery said and everyone agreed. "Okay" I nodded and went I the front. Then Dustin walked up from the Legos group. "On your beat" Dustin said and smirked.

I smirked back. "Hit it Mahogany!" I yelled and she played Go to Work by Kalin and Myles. He started off. I watched as he moved along with the beat and I bounced back and did my part and then Mahogany switched it back to the Nae Nae and I danced perfectly along with it. Then he danced with that and she switched it to Lipgloss. Then he pushed me back when he was dancing. "Oooh" everyone said. I smirked then winked at Mahogany.

She played Yonce at the middle part. Drop the bass manner base. And she kept repeating that part and I danced to it and then she let it play. I danced around him as he stood there in shock. I did a triple flip and slid under his legs and popped up again. Then she switched the song back to Black Widow. I moved my hands and legs and then with my ending I got in his face and stomped. "Oohhhh!!!" Everyone said and clapped and cheered. I laughed as I backed up and the music stopped.

"I think we have a winner!!" Everyone clapped and cheered. I saw him walk over to his team with a mad expression. They gave us our trophy and Cameron put me on his shoulders. "Whoo!!" I yelled and fist pumped into the air. "Ayee! Let's celebrate in this gig!" Taylor yelled. Then I saw Dustin eyeing me. Suspicious?

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