On Sunday

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I woke up to a loud noise. I opened my eyes and saw Draco with two pans. It looked hilarious 'cause he had only underwear on.
-What are you doing Dray? I asked.
-Trying to wake you up with out promising stupid things! was his answer.
-But, I liked my yesterday's waking up and the promise, I said trying to look sad.
- You know, that face doesn't work on me. And I didn't like the promise that much myself.
-Why, it was fun?
- Yea sure, the problem is I can't f**king walk! You went too hard on me...
-Aww... Is my puppy mad?~
-Yes! But I will forgive you if you do something...
-Fine... What is it?
-You need to give me a piggyback ride to the great hall.
-That's easy since you don't actually weight more than a 7 months old puppy.~
-Watch your mouth or there is no kisses for you for a week.
-Okay, let's go.

In the great hall:


We sitted on the slytherin table since Pancy, Hermione, Blaise and Ron were sitting there.
-Why are you so late? Ron asked.
-This git wouldn't wake up! I said a little angrily.
-Sorry about that mate, Harry apologized. - He's been grumpy the whole morning.
-I can't f**king ealk because of you! I said giving him the death glare.
-Okay we didn't want to know that, Pansy said.- Draco, did you know that your father is coming today?
- He is?! I asked panicking and Pansy nodded. - When?!
- At 10 a.m., was Pansy's answer.
-But it's already 9:54 a.m.!
- Yeah, you better get ready.
- But why is he coming?
-He knows your an omega, so he wants to find out who is your soulmate.
- We better go get ready! Come Harry!
- Okay, see you later guys!
     We changed to matching chlothes. We had light green hoodies and light blue jeans. And black shoes.
-We are rea-, I started.
-Hello son! my father said as he stepped in. I wasn't ready yet! why now? If he yells at me for being gay what do I do?!?!?!
-Son? Lucius asked. - Are you okay?
-Yea, I'm fine... I anwered. - So you wanted something...?
-Yes, son. I do. I wanted to know who your soulmate is. So?
-... Are you sure you want to know?
- Mhm!~
-Fine... It's Harry...
-Like Harry Potter?

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