The Werewolf Meeting

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In this story everybody is a werewolf. It's the eight year. Alphas and Omegas are soulmates and beta has a normal wolf as hers/his soulmate.

Today we will go with Hermione to a meeting with professor McGonagall. It's a werewolf meeting and I will go there 'cause I'm the alpha. There will be my pack's Omegas, Beta and another Alpha. It's not normal to have two alphas. There's usually just one.
    I am walking with 'Mione to the principals office.
-Is it fun that we could come here to another year? 'Mione asked me.
-I guess... I answered. -Now I got to know who's my soulmate.
-Yeah, I want to know too. It's really rare that we have two alphas.
-Yes it is. I want to know who the other one is.
When I stopped talking I realized that we were in front of the office. Me and 'Mione walked in. There I saw something shocking. The people who were in there were Malfoy, Parkinson and Zabini.
-You're finally here! Professor McGonagall said.
-We are sorry that we're late professor, Hermione apologized like nothing was wrong.
-So you all probably know why you are here? McGonagall asjed getting nods as an answer. - So I will say your name and what you are so everyone knows what you are. Omegas are Ms. Granger and Mr. Malfoy .
Wait a second... Draco Malfoy is my soulmate? I was shocked. The Draco Malfoy I've liked for years. Ginny and Cho were just a fake thing. I wanted nobody to know that I was gay. And now the whole school knows.
-... And the alphas are Ms. Parkinson and Mr. Potter, was all I heard McGonagall say. - Now all except Mr. Zabini probably knows who their soulmates are.
-Actually Professor, I know who my soulmate is, Blaise said.
-That's good, now we will publish the roles tomorrow evening, McGonagall said and leaved.
- Me and Pansy will leave to the library! Hermione said before she and Parkinson leaved smiling.
-I will go to my soulmate! Zabini said before he runned away smiling.
-So it's just the two of us... Malfoy said.
- Unfortunately yes, I said maybe a bit rude way and Malfoy's  ears and tail popped out and flopped down. - S-sorry, I said a bit embarassed and stepped closer to Malfoy. Then his ears started moving and tail wagging. He tried to stop them.

-So you like when I get closer to you? Harry asked laughing a bit. My crush was laughing at me. It wasn't like he mocked me it was like I did something funny.
- It's not my fault you smell like roses... I mumbled.
-So you like roses? He asked getting closer. The closer he got the more my tail wagged. When he was one step away from me I saw his ears and tail pop out. Then he hugged me wrapping his hands and tail around me. Then he kissed my cheek where my mark would be if he marked me. Then he bit my cheek marking me. Now in my left cheek was a red "x" mark.
- Y-you marked m-me? I asked stuttering.
-Of course you are my soulmate Draco...~Harry said and leaved.

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