In The Morning

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I woke up and saw Harry with his ears and tail out and only underwear on. What happened? Was the first thing I thought. Right... We had "fun". Well at least I got to mark him. The soulmate way and the other way. What am I thinking!? I need to eat.
-Harry, it's time to get up and go eat! I tried to wake him up. - Harry! Fine then. I will do this the hard way...
I started to wag my tail in his face. When that didn't work I tried to push him gently. Okay. Using our soulmate connection doesn't work. What do I do? Now I know!
-Harry...~ If you wake up I will let you f**k me again tonight...~ I said and he fastly opened his eyes.
-Did I hear I could f**k you tonight if I would woke up?~Harry asked petting my ears at the same time.
-I was kinda hoping you wouldn't woke up. I'm so sore. I'm not sure if I can walk.
-That needs testing and if you can't I will f**k you the whole day.
-Yea, I changed my mind about the walking thing. I actually can walk perfectly.
-Aawwh... I would've loved to f**k you the whole day...
-My @$$ would kill me if you did that.
-Well let's go eat then. Since you said you can walk perfectly you don't need my help.
-Yea, now stop petting my ears!
-So you'd rather me to pet your tail then?
-No! You know very well that wolf's tail is sensitive!
-I know. But it's your tail or ears I'm petting
-I prefer ears put not now, you can pet them in the great hall.
-Okay! Now you put something cute on since it's saturday.
-N O!
-Y E S!
-After the breakfast? Harry asked using the puppy dog eyes and his tail.

In the great hall;Gryffindor table:

Draco's siiting on my lap and eating his breakfast. He looks so cute...~ I'm so glad I can choose him a cute outfit after eating...
-Harry you ok? Hermione asked me.
-Yea I'm alright 'Mione... I said thinking of a one extremely cute outfit I have in my luggage. - Draco just promised me that he would wear a cute outfit.
- I want to see that to! Hermione said. - I'm going to take a picture of you two. Draco will wear something super cute and tight. And Harry will wear something s*xy. Ok?
-Ok! came out of everybody's mouth when she looked at us with a creepy face.
-Good! Now let's go! she said like nothing just happened.
   I got black shorts wich were tight and a rose. I had no shirt, just a tie. I gave Hermione the outfit I was thinking of amd she started to scream out of excitement. I stepped out of the magical door Hermione made that led to a closet. I just came out of closet. God that sound wrong. Even tho I am gay, but still. Then I saw draco stepping out of the other door wearing short and tight girls shorts and a too tiny jacket (like the girls little jacket they might put on with a dress). He looked so cute and sexy.
- Now I want your ears and tails in the picture too! Hermione said.

Harry looked super hot without his tail and ears and even hundreds of times hotter with them. I almost fainted. He was too s*xy.
-Now Harry you sit on the red chair over there and put the rose on your mouth! Hermione said.
Wait a minute! Harry is taking all of the space in the chair. That means... I will have to sit on his lap! I'm gonna faint...
-Now Draco you sit on Harry's lap and I take the picture. Hermione said. -Smile! Good now we will leave. And if you want to know what I'm going to do with the picture I'm putting it on my self.

The Werewolf Pack(Drarry story) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें