Chapter 6 {Stalker}

Start from the beginning

"Is it because of yesterday?" Jasmine asked as (Y/N) nodded.

"Yeah, I'm kinda scared to see him again." (Y/N) said.

"If it makes you feel any better I'll take your place. If you're really worried about this then asked Atticus to take you home." Jasmine asked.

"*sigh* I was afraid about that." (Y/N) said in disappointment.

"*giggles* You know Atticus, you have owed him first." Jasmine said as she giggled

"I'll go asked him. Hopefully, he doesn't asked me to do a favor for him." (Y/N) said as she went to find him.

She sees Atticus still cooking in the kitchen. She d oh didn't want to ask him but had no other choice and went up to him.

"Atticus, I need a favor to asked you." (Y/N) asked.

"Sure what is it?" Atticus asked still cooking.

"Can you walk with me home or get a ride?" (Y/N) asked.

"Wow, that's surprising. Since when you're afraid to walk alone a night." Atticus jokingly said which annoyed her.

"This isn't a joke, Atticus." (Y/N) said.

"I'm just kidding." Atticus said.

"Will you do it or not?" (Y/N) asked.

"I will but in one condition." Atticus said

"*sigh* What?" (Y/N) asked as he had a grin on his face.

"Go asked your boss if he willingly helps you." He said.

"You're joking right?" (Y/N) asked believing that her cousin was teasing her.

"Nope, I'm serious." Atticus replied.

"What?! Why?!" (Y/N) asked.

"Because I believe that he'll volunteer to take you home. Plus, it's fun to mess with you." Atticus replied.

"I asked you, not him." (Y/N) annoyingly said.

"Just try, it's only going to be tonight." Atticus said.

"*sigh* Whatever." (Y/N) said as she left.

She came into the VIP room as Aster was ok n his phone. (Y/N) was nervous to asked her boss as it was weird to ask him. She stayed calm as she walked towards him.

"Aster." (Y/N) called his name which made him turn to see her.

"Bella is everything ok?" Aster asked as he notices that she was a bit nervous.

"I have a favor to asked you." (Y/N) said.

"Ok, what is it?" Aster asked.

"You see there's a customer that has been coming here for a week. He's staring at me all day and stays in the cafe for hours until the cafe closed. He never talks to the other maids and refuses to have any of them to serve him. He only talks to me and giving me creepy looks." (Y/N) explained.

"So you're dealing with a creep?" Aster asked as his expression changed.

"Yes, and something happened yesterday." (Y/N) said.

"Ok, go on." Aster said he had a serious expression.

"Well, when we finished cleaning up the cafe and getting ready to go home. I was alone in the locker room so I was changing. I heard a loud thump coming from one of the lockers. I checked to see someone was hiding in the locker watching me undressed. They were about to get out of the locker and that's when I ran to the kitchen with the others. I told them everything that happened and they went to the locker room to look around. One of them found a note, and it was very creepy, to say the least." (Y/N) explained as she expressed being scared about the incident.

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