Chapter 9 {Confront Someone In Need}

Start from the beginning

"Crap! Where is that folder?" A male coworker said in a panic looking the disorganizing the finished paper on the desk.

"Damn we're not done with it and tomorrow is Wednesday." Other male coworker said typing the laptop as fast as he could.

"We're probably staying overtime again." Another male coworker said.

"Yeah we need to finish it now before Boss finds out." A male coworker said as Mindy walked up to them.

"You guys better hurry because he's coming." Mindy said as Aster and Sartorius walked towards them.

"Hello sir!" They all said as they bow.

"So is the paperwork done?" Aster asked with a serious expression.

"Umm... about that sir. We need more time to fin..." One of the male coworkers said but was interrupt by Aster.

"Gentlemen, when I said the paperwork needs to be done by today I want it done today. Is it done?" Aster asked giving a cold stare to his coworkers.

"Well it's working inpro..." Another coworker said as Aster interrupted him again.

"It's a yes or no question?!" Aster angrily yelled at them.

"*gulp*" A male coworker answer nervously.

"You're tell me it's not done!" Aster said furiously.

"But sir it's alot of paperwork for all of us." Other male coworker said giving excuses as the others nodded.

"You're telling me that four coworkers couldn't finish this week's paperwork but one secretary can finish this less than a week. Do you all hear yourselves?!" Aster yelled at them as his anger grew.

"Well (Y/N) usually does this and we didn't know that she'll be gone when we can back." A male coworker said trying to shift the blame to her.

"Are you blame me for not telling you and told (Y/N) to take a vacation?!" Aster yelled at them believe that they're blaming at him.

"Nnnnn... no sir!" They all said in unison.

"This is why I needed (Y/N). At least she gets the job done." Aster angrily said as he tried to calm down.

"Sorry sir!" They said in unison as the bow to him.

"Since we're behind, I have to stay here for tonight until all the paperwork is done. Sartorius and Mindy do you mind helping me with these idiots?" Aster asked.

"Of course, Aster." Sartorius said.

"Yes sir." Mindy said as they each grab a stack of paperwork and went to their desks.

"Next time when I give all of you a due date the paperwork needs to be finished, do it before when it's due. Got or I'll personally kick you out of the office." Aster said grabbing the last stack of paperwork and walk towards his office.

"Yes, sir! Sorry, sir!" They all said in unison as Aster slammed the door closed.

Aster put the stack of paperwork on the desk. He sigh as he sat on his chair and turned on his laptop. A couple of hours passed as he's working and typing his laptop. By looking at the paperwork he won't have to see (Y/N)

'Great, I'm force to stay here to finish all the paperwork by tonight. I had plans to see Bella today but I'll have to wait for tomorrow.' He ponder himself as he turned on his phone looking at his wallpaper to see a picture of him with (Y/N) smiling together.

Time-Skip to Tonight

Jaden waited outside for Jesse as they going to meet up at the cafe. He waited until Jesse arrived and run towards Jaden.

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