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       Walking through the dark cool night it feels as if I can finally relax. Almost like I am finally falling into peace with everything around me. The air feels fresh and helps soothe my throat although it feels like it reaches deeper. Something about being alone at night. It brings me back. Almost feeling like I used to when I was younger, but the memories of who I used to be only exist to haunt me.  The path I am following almost seems to reflect the direction of my thoughts carving deeper and darker along. In this moment something inside seems to snap pulling me back to the driver seat. Staring down at this path something seems off....where was I? What was I doing? Why can't I remember. Even worse still I seem to remember my past but who am I? 

*I slip forward in my mind and my thoughts gliding to three weeks ago. Fighting for breathe as he chokes me. Wondering if i should beg for mercy or scream... what have I done?*

        I turn my head beginning to notice what is around. I see nothing but fog and the sidewalk. There are no stars and I feel no cold yet it is dark. What is going on? As I refocus my gaze in front of me I turn and come face to face with my reflection. I was to engrossed in my thoughts I didn't see the path had ended. The fog remained and all I could see was my miserable refection staring through me in confusion. I look so lost.... 

All the sudden I feel the path around me begin to crave to some stronger force. The fog seems to only thicken as it begins to glow red. A piercing alarm starts ringing around the corner and I have to fight the instinct to run. Fear pierces and I feel my heart begin to pound. This is the end I suppose. Time to embrace the end. I close my eyes and wait for the world around me to cease. Instead the alarm seems to grow louder ringing through my skull. Its so overwhelming I feel my consciousness  begin to shake. I stand up, open my eyes, and scream.

Broken MemoriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz