Chapter 1

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Honeybee's POV

My optics opened, though my sight wasn't clear just yet. As my vision cleared a bit, I saw that was in some sort of ship or at least I think it is. I sat up from the berth I laid in and tried to remember what happened to me, though so far only a few, like how the war for Cybertron was happening, me leading the scouts to Tyger Pa-.....Scrap! Am I one with the Allspark?!

Oh no, oh no, no, no, no, please tell this is not happening! Then again it doesn't look like anything like the Allspark. The thought of Tyger Pax was then brought into my processor. I wonder if Bumblebee is okay. I hope he's okay, I mean I don't feel him offlining in any way.

I took a look at my surroundings before getting off the berth, only to notice a mech in his seat at the front of the ship, just stirring through space. Hopefully not a Decepticon. Before I could even stand up from the berth, the mech in front of me looked behind his back, only to see me awake.

'Scrap'. I said it in my thoughts as I panicked, knowing I don't know what to do. I tried my best to stay calm. I'm a Cadet, you should know how to Calm!

"It's good to see you're awake, soldier." The mech said, only to find it familiar.

Wait a fragging minute.....soldier? The only one I know who would call me that is Optimus Prime and Ultra Ma-.....Sweet Solus Prime, I'm in the ship of ULTRA MAGNUS!!! My optics widen as I just stared at Ultra Magnus. Mostly because I didn't know how to respond to the commander himself!

He puts the ship into autopilot, before heading towards me. I couldn't look at his optics as I just looked at my pedes, still having my optics wide at the situation. I mean, there's no way out of this, mainly because we're both in the middle of nowhere in space and we're alone in his ship. I took a deep vent before speaking to him, but not making any optic contact.

"H-How long was I out, s-sir?" I cursed myself for stuttering, knowing that he is very much a professional.

"You have been in recharge for 3 mega cycles." He responded, "We were able to save you before you nearly went offline."

"I-I see." Was all I could say looking a bit sad.

"Why so glum, Cadet Honeybee?" He asked as he sat beside me on the berth.

For some strange reason I felt my air vents kicking in.

"I-I'm just...I'm just worried....for Bumblebee, t-that's all, sir." I said. Why do I kept stuttering around him?! Some professionalism I am!

"Your brother is alright, I can reassure you." He said before placing a servo on my shoulder plate, "Optimus Prime gave him orders to safeguard a planet to where we could all reunite."

I build up the confidence to look at him in the optic before speaking. "And...that planet would be?" I asked hoping to finally see my brother.

"I'm afraid Optimus only gave us the coordinates to go to this specific planet, which I am currently following." Ultra Magnus said

"Oh. How did I ended up in here, last I remember was getting crushed by a falling building just to save Bumblebee before every went dark for me." I said, thankfully not stuttering anymore, but why is my air vent still on?!

"A rescue team found you. Once we were about to leave Cybertron, I was asked to look after you while you were in deep recharge." He said

I looked back at my pedes and nodded my helm. Closed my optics as I took a deep vent, calming myself, Completely this time. I looked at the commander once more and stood up from the berth, facing him. As a Cadet, I spoke to my commanding officer, professionally.

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