Scottish Slang Dictionary

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Hello my Friends,

Welcome to a new story. Here we have the "dictionary" for some Scottish slang words that will be commonly used, but as the girls live in America for longer they will slowly learn more English so you won't need this as much. This Fan Fiction is a collaboration between another wattled writer, @fan4forever , and myself. We have been writing this since November 2019 and I think we are both pretty proud of it. So welcome to our outsiders Fic and please enjoy! If you have any questions about language please comment!

Thank you,

@AlaskanOutsider and 


Scottish Slang Dictionary

(In no particular order)

Aye - Yes

Cannae - Can not

Haud yer wheest - Stop talking; Shut up

Tae - To; Too

Wise-Arse - Wise-ass

Pie - Scottish insult; Hate

Bez - Beer

Dinna fash yerself - Do not worry yourself

Bonnie - Beautiful

Fek - Fuck

Funt - Fuck and Cunt; an insult

Mah - My

Ah - I

Lass/Lassie - Girl/Little Girl

Bob - Money

Barra - Child

Dafty - Silly; stupid person

Bairn - Baby

Fae - From; For

Dinna ken - Do not know

Ken - Know

Ye - You

Big Yin - Big one; Referring to someone older than you

Belter - to be excellent, great, fantastic

Awrite - A de lright

Ciggy - Cigarette

Bampot - Idiot; Someone who is empty headed

Affense - Offense

Ahm - I'm

Nae - Not

Wit/Wit's - What/What's

Git - Get

Bit - The place you are staying; Someone's home

Da - Father figure

Ma - Mather figure

Wouldina - Would not

Stoatin' -

Bide - Stay/Live

Pure - Very

O'er - Over

O' - Of

Doolally -

Fit like? - How are you?

Chib/Chibbed - Stab/Stabbed

Pedro - Amazing

Scran - Food

Blootered - Drunk

Bevvy - An alcoholic drink

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