Chapter 1: Julian is Back

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Julian P.O.V:

Ninja has just saved everyone from me and the Sorcerer!!! So cool!!! But, once I came back to the real world, evil me has disappeared. We must have became one, I assume.

"Ninja!!! Thank you for joining me on the adventure back home!!! You have saved the school, and possibly the whole world!!!!!" I thanked him.

"Yep! A ninja's gotta do what a ninja's gotta do. But, you, in a way, saved the school by helping me get here. I should be thanking you." said Ninja.

"Did you....JUST THANK ME?!?!??!!" I squeal.

"Yep!" Ninja smiled.

After I calmed myself down, I ask Ninja something that had bugged me.

"Ninja. Do you perhaps know what happened to evil me? I assume the two of us became one." I asked him.

"Yeah. The two of you merged together. So, he's gone for good. By the way, he will now be called, 'Ghoulian.' I don't want you to call yourself evil; I'm sure you're a good guy. After all, you helped me save the school and the whole world." Ninja answers with a smile, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I smile with my mouth opened.

"Ninja!!! Thank you! Thank you! You don't have to thank me. But, it is nice to have been thanked by such an amazing Ninja." I said in glee.

"Please, just say bruce." Ninja said.

"I'll try to." I giggle

"Well, I should've be going now. I have other ninja duties to do." Ninja announced.

"Wait, Ninja! Why didn't you tell us an evil Sorcerer was living under our school?" asked Doug. Poor, poor, Doug.

"Let me answer that question with another question. Smoke bomb?" asked Ninja as he disappeared.

Randall walks over here and talks to Howard. Sigh... I'm always left out.

Bash walks towards me.

"Greetings, Bash! Gulp. Is something the matter?" I asked him.

He pushes me, and I almost fall down.

"Something is definitely 'the matter'!!!! How dare you have the guts to put me in a shnasty dungeon!?!!?!!!!!" Bash yelled at me.

"Please..." I yelped. I think I felt my appearance changed. Bash looked shocked for a moment. "....don't." I finished my sentence. I think my appearance went back to normal.

I wonder if I'm just thinking things.

"Bash!" Randall grabs Bash's hand. "Don't hurt my friend!!! It wasn't his fault for destroying the school! Heck! It wasn't even him! It was Ghoulian!!! Use your head, you shoob!!!"

"Grr... Fine. You got it off easy this time, Julian." Bash said.

Bash walks away and joins his dad and Viceroy.

"THANK YOU RANDALL!!!" I shout as I hug him and cry. "THAT WAS SO SCARY!!! sob sob"

"There, there, Julian. There, there." Randall said, patting my back awkwardly.

I let go.

Theresa walks over here.

"Hey, Randy!" Theresa greeted Randall, with a blush on her face. "That was pretty bruce of you back there for standing up for Julian."

"Hehe... You think so?" Randall blushed, too.

"Randy! Don't leave your best bro for a girl!" Howard yelled and stomped up to Randall.

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