Chap. 02: I Make Friends With A Pervert

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Author's Note: Hiyaaa! As you might've noticed, I made some changes with the book cover and the title of the story. It's because I had this really great idea for the story and in order for the title to make sense, I had to change it completely. Anyways, I hope you guys still enjoy this story! Thank you to everyone who read, voted and commented on the previous chapter! :)

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters, except for Kaori and Hiroshi.


“I’m so sorry for being late.”

I felt numerous pairs of eyes fall onto me as I entered the vast classroom. Whatever confidence I had in myself just before I entered completely vanished in an instant. This was my first day at Konoha High, and I’ve already rubbed our teacher the wrong way because of my tardiness. Wait, that didn’t sound right. Oh well.

“And who are you supposed to be?” the white haired professor standing in front of the class inquired, head tilted to the side.

“Well I’m supposed to be earlier than I currently am but seeing as this is a huge ass school, I got lost.” I replied as I innocently rubbed the back of my neck. It hadn’t even occurred to me that I wasn’t minding my language when I spoke. It was only when half of the class burst out laughing that I realized what I said, and I blushed.

The teacher sighed heavily and muttered. “Not another one.”

I was confused, to say the least, but I didn’t say anything back. I just stood there, glued to my spot. If I had any talent, it was definitely humiliating myself, and on the first day of school too. That must be a new record, even for me.

“Did you hear what I said?”

“No. Uh, I mean no sir, sorry.” I said, smiling sheepishly.

The teacher rolled his eyes, but repeated what he said. “Can I have your slip, please?”

“Oh, right, it’s right here.” It took me a while before I could fish the pink slip from my bag. Why did I have to carry a lot of things today? “Here you go.”

“Finally.” The white haired man said, sighing exasperatedly. “Everyone, please welcome the new addition to our school, Ms. Kaori Kimura. Ms. Kimura, you can take your seat behind Mr. Uchiha over there.”

“Thank you…” I trailed off. I glanced at the paper in my hand which contained my schedule for the day and the names of my teachers. “Kakashi-sensei. And sorry again for being late. It won’t happen again, I promise.”

He simply nodded in response. As I made my way over to my desk, I could feel a frown slowly forming on my lips. Mr. Uchiha, the kid who was supposed to be sitting in front of me, turned out to be the jerk I bumped into earlier. Onyx eyes.

“Just my luck,” I muttered softly as I sat down.

“Hn,” was his response.

What kind of a response was that?


“Nope. Never. No, not in a million years. Yeah, I’d rather starve to death than eat that.” I commented on each food I passed by, and I didn’t even realize that I was holding up the line.

“Oi, can you move any slower?”

I glanced to the side to see a boy in black with strange markings all over his face, looking very annoyed.

Instead of apologizing, like a normal person would do, I stuck my tongue out at him. Yes, I am quite mature for my age.

“Freak.” The boy mumbled under his breath.

“Why thank you!” I replied sarcastically, placing a hand on my chest.

He was too distracted by the food to notice the sarcasm in my voice. I simply rolled my eyes at him. I paid for my food and turned to look for a place to sit. To my dismay, a lot of the seats were already taken.

Guess I could eat outside or… whatever.

On my way out, I spotted Hiroshi sitting with a few people who I assumed were his classmates. I was tempted to ask if I could sit with them, since it’s extremely hot outside, but I decided against it. The main reason being that most of the people he hung out with were really scary looking.

There was this one guy, he had orange hair and had a very stern look on his face as he was talking. Anyone can tell that he was the leader of the group just by looking at him. The one who sat beside him seemed strangely familiar. And then it hit me. He had a striking resemblance to onyx eyes. Yeah, I decided to name the jerk onyx eyes just because I still haven’t found out his first name yet. Anyway, this guy looked a lot like him. Heck, they were probably even related. Beside him sat this guy with a menacing look on his face. He had white hair that was slicked back. He looked cool and dangerous. I made a mental note to myself to stay as far away from him as possible. Across from him, there was a… I honestly thought he was a girl at first. Thank heavens for the uniform. The guy had blonde hair which was tied into a ponytail. He was arguing with the orange haired dude. I could hear his voice from way over here, but I doubt he cared if anyone heard him. And lastly, sitting beside my brother, was a red headed boy. He had a calm expression on his face, almost emotionless. He honestly looked bored. He rested his chin on his palm as he listened to his friends argue. I almost yelped when he suddenly glanced at me. He furrowed his brows in confusion, and I took that as a signal to run for it.

On my way out, I bumped into something hard.

“It’s you!” an all too familiar voice yelled.

I rubbed my butt as soon as I stood up. Boy did that fall hurt like hell. I think I sprained my buttocks, if that’s even possible.

I groaned in annoyance as I stared at the blonde kid in front of me. The pervert. Immediately, I brought my hands up to my chest in an attempt to shield it. “You, stay away from me!”

The boy sighed exasperatedly. “For the last time, I was only trying to help! I have no interest in you bod- Well, actually, come to think of it-”

He wasn't able to finish his sentence because I hit him hard on the head for even thinking those thoughts.

“Ow! Hey, relax, I'm sorry I got carried away, but really, I mean no harm!” He pleaded.

I studied his features for a few seconds before finally deciding that he was telling the truth.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Fine, whatever you say.”

An anime vein suddenly appeared on his forehead. “After all the accusations you made, that’s all you have to say?! You’re not even going to say you’re sorry?!”

I shrugged again. “I’m only human, I make mistakes. Deal with it.”

He sweat dropped, but didn’t say anything back.

It was only then I realized that my food was scattered all over the floor. It must’ve happened when I bumped into him.

Heh, I don’t even know his name yet.

“Aww this is just… awesome. Now what am I going to eat?” I whined, stomping my food repeatedly.

A look of guilt flashed in the boy's eyes. “I’m sorry for bumping into you. And ruining your lunch. Here, let me make it up to you. I’ll buy you lunch.”

“You better.” I muttered softly. I was glad he didn’t hear me because the last thing I wanted was to scare this boy off permanently. He’s the closest I have to a friend. And besides, he’s the only one who made an effort to actually talk to me. “Thanks, by the way.”

“No worries.” He grinned as he lifted both of his hands and rested it at the back of his head. “Come on, you can sit with me and my friends too if you’d like!”

Instantly, I felt guilty for even thinking those mean things about him. “I’d love that.”

“My name's Naruto, by the way. Naruto Uzumaki.” Naruto beamed, stretching out a hand for me to shake.

“I'm Kaori, Kaori Kimura.” I smiled warmly, shaking his hand.

And that, my friends, was the start of a beautiful friendship.

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