[1]: My Nightmare

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[Scott's POV]

6 months ago...

        I watch in horror as the flames engulf me, burning at my flesh.   I watch as my skin melts, and drips off my body, just as a wax candle would.  It moves up from my forearm, up to my body, spreading and spreading until my entire body is lit up like a bonfire.  The pain so intense that it holds me hostage.  A silent scream stuck in my throat.  My eyes open then, and I know it was a dream, but the pain is ever present.  The flames I dreamt just a subconscious manifestation of the actual pain my body was wracked in.  Pain so intense, that it felt like an entity was laying upon my chest, holding me down in its grasp.  Forcing my body to submit to its will.

        Just as suddenly as the pain appeared, it disappeared just as fleetingly.  And I know where he, this demon of pain, had been born from.  I know what had caused its onslaught and invasion into my body, its possession of my soul.  Hopelessness inundates itself into my soul, and my heart shatters at what I know has happened.  All my dreams, all the happiness, all my hopes flew out of the window with the knowledge of what she had done.

        My beautiful mate, Elise.  The light of my life, the reason for my breathing, the woman I promised to love above all others, had just committed what she had promised never to do.  She had just given the body she sworn to share with no one else, but me, to another.  My pain, evidence of her deceit.

        She has broken me, and I will break her.  She will never live in my heart again,  My vengenance is fierce, and my wolf demands revenge.  An eye for an eye, and that is exactly what will happen.  She shattered my soul, and I will shatter her life.  I demand a pound of her flesh in return.


Present Day....

        I lift the covers off of her body, my eyes taking in her slim body.  I feel my body tighten and harden instantly.  I slide my body on top of hers, her legs immediately spreading wide, giving me uninhibited access to her body.  Her heated core already slick and aroused, as my member finds her entrance.  With a quick upwards motion in my hips, I sink myself to the hilt.  My movements fast and rough, I pound into her over and over.  Her body writhing under mine, loud moans coming from her,  her voice urging me to go faster and harder.  I oblige her request, and use all my strength to reach as deep in her as I physically can. I feel her orgasm cresting as mine nears.  She screams vulgar words just as she cums, and just as I am joining her in ecstasy,  I remove myself from her.  The evidence of my own pleasure jetting across her belly and breasts.

        Immediately, I get up from the bed.  Her body is still so relaxed at what I had just given her, that she lay there with her legs still spread open.  Her modesty flown out the window, not caring who or what saw her nakedness.  She lays there, with her eyes still closed and panting. I begin picking up my discarded garments that we had hastily removed a mere hours earlier the first time I had enjoyed the ministrations of her body. I began to redress.  Putting on my now creased dark navy slacks to my suit, and then my rumpled white button up shirt, she turns to me then with sex hazed eyes.

"Leaving already, lover?"

        I don't even answer her, as I finish buttoning the last button, before tucking my shirt tails into my pants.  I look around the room trying to find my jacket, when I spot it in a corner.  Walking over, I pick it up and dust it off, placing it at the foot of the bed.  I sit down next to it, and placed my socks and shoes on.  As I straighten up from leaning down, I feel her greedy hands come from around my back, spreading across my chest and going down to my abs.  Her naked breasts plastered against my back.  I quickly use my own hands to shove her hands off of me, and stand up, my jacket in hand.  She is now bristling from my rejection.

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