Chapter 15

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They woke up early as Bear gets CJ changed and they get on the bus and arrive at the swimming baths where Bear gets CJ into his swimming trunks and put armbands and a lifebelt on him, Mikayla gets in the water as Bear and CJ joins her and they began to swim

"Good boy C" said Bear "how about after we go and grab food"

"McDonalds?" asked CJ

"Yeah McDonalds bro" replied Bear "we go to McDonalds and you can have your nuggets meal alright and me and Mik will share something"

CJ giggles and starts splashing about in the water as Bear smiles and watches, soon later loads of other people start coming so they decided to leave and head to McDonalds where Bear sat down with CJ whilst Mikayla goes to order the food.

"Here's the food bud" answered Bear

CJ giggles as they start to eat. Once they were done they head home as CJ runs over to Fangs who picks CJ up and smiles

"Hey kiddo" said Fangs "you missed me"

"No one missed you" laughed Mikayla

"Now you hurt my feelings Mikayla" muttered Fangs

"Aww, Fangs don't cry" said Mikayla

"I'm not crying" replied Fangs

"Babe are you sure you going to come with me to that counselling thing?" asked Bear

"Yeah babe I am sure" answered Mikayla "Jug will look after CJ for us tomorrow so we can go"

"Yeah we are going to have a good time tomorrow, me and CJ are going to play loads of games and annoy Fangs" explained Jug

CJ giggles and yawns as Bear smiles and takes CJ from Bear and carries him upstairs to his bedroom and place him in his bed.

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