Chapter 4

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Luciel grabs some food for CJ and lets him eat before heading to the gang hideout, CJ gives some of his food to Luciel

"Thanks CJ" said Luciel

They finish eating and make their way to the gang hideout where they see the gang sitting down talking

"Hey Luciel want to earn more money?" asked Billy

"Sure" replied Luciel

"Well go to this address and hand my mate those drugs" replied Billy

"S-Sure" stuttered Luciel "CJ I be back okay"

"Na dude take him with you" said Billy

Luciel nods and takes hold of CJ hand and walk to the address to see a teenage boy standing there waiting

"Are you Alex?" asked Luciel

"Yeah I'm Alex" answered Alex "you got the drugs"

Luciel nods and hands him the drugs over making sure no one is watching as Alex takes the drugs and walk away. CJ stands there confused and looks at Luciel

"You too young to understand CJ" replied Luciel

They start walking back to the hideout when they are stopped by police, one cop is pointing at gun at them when the sheriff walks over

"Put the gun down" commanded Sheriff "I'm FP"

Luciel nods and picks CJ up as they lead them to the police car, they get in the police car

"Erm don't turn the sirens on CJ hates loud noises" explained Luciel

FP nods and drives them to the station and put them in a quiet room

"I got to go but James will question you okay" replied FP

Luciel nods again placing CJ on his lap and watches FP leave. Soon later James walks in and sits down in front of them

"Why are you selling drugs?" asked James

"I needed the money so I can take care of me and my little brother" Luciel answered

"Right so you thought dealing drugs was the best way to get money?" questioned James

"Yeah" lied Luciel

"You are under arrest for dealing drugs Luciel" replied James

James locks Luciel up and sends CJ to his uncle's. CJ moved backwards looking at his uncle and his uncle mate. However, James questions Luciel while he handcuffed to the table

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