Chapter 13

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Weeks have past and Mikayla woke up and ran straight to the bathroom and throws up, Bear woke up and walks into the bathroom to see Mikayla throwing up

"Babe. Are you okay?" asked Bear

"Bear I think I'm pregnant" replied Mikayla

"You mean pregnant with my child?" questioned Bear

"Yes" replied Mikayla "Pregnant with your child, I only had sex with you"

"Right sorry" said Bear

CJ runs into the bathroom giggling after hearing the news as Bear smiles and looks at him and picks him up "hey bud you are going to be an uncle" CJ nods and claps as the others run upstairs

"I'm going to be an uncle" yelled Jug "Yes I'm going to be an uncle"

Three months later and Bear medication isn't working and he is in the house alone with CJ because Mikayla is out trying to find a job. CJ gets a glass out of the cupboard but drops it making Jase come out


Jase grabs CJ yanking him into his room and beats him up, CJ screams in pain and struggles against Jase's grip. Jase boots him 3 times in the stomach making him cough up blood when Mikayla runs into the house and injects Bear with his new medication which is now injections. Bear's eyes turn sea green and he looks down at Bear and kneels next to him

"Hey I'm so sorry C" replied Bear "my medication wasn't working, please forgive me little bro"

CJ looks at Bear and nods as Bear opens his arms and CJ hugs him tight crying. Mikayla patches CJ up and smiles at Bear softly

"Babe" said Mikayla "can we order pizza please?"

"Sure" answered Bear

Bear orders pizza and the pizza arrives. They sit down in the living room and eats pizza, CJ gets his face messy and giggles at Bear who places CJ on his lap and cleans his mouth up

"Bud" said Bear "we sleep in my room okay"

CJ nods giggling and raise his arms as Bear picks him up. CJ place his thumb in his mouth and cuddles into Bear

"Someone tired" whispered Mikayla

"Yeah" said Bear "he is tired, I think he had a long day"

"Long busy day" replied Mikayla "tomorrow we can go on a bike ride"

"You mean me riding the bike for CJ since he can't ride a bike" explained Bear

"Well yeah" said Mikayla "me and you riding our bikes I bet I can beat you"

"Aright baby" Bear laughed

The next day came and they went on a bike ride, they rode through the park as CJ giggles throwing bread on the ground for the birds. People watched them ride past and stare at CJ

"Can't he ride a bloody bike?" asked boy

"No he can't he autistic so next time before you starting asking questions maybe think before you speak alright" yelled Mikayla "because my boyfriend has bipolar and is very overprotective of his little brother"

"Alright I'm sorry" apologised boy "I didn't mean it"

The boy left as Mikayla and Bear stops and grabs a chip shop, they sit down at a table and start eating as CJ giggles

"You liking your food CJ?" asked Bear

CJ nods. They go back home as CJ jumps about squealing and giggling

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