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This chapter is the epilogue of Sam's Sister. 

One month after the Volterra incident... Aidan is six months old.


"Carlisle, hurry up!" I called as I ran to the place where we would be reunited with our son. I had missed him terribly but I was glad that helping the Volturi modernize had kept me busy. Now Carlisle and I were in North Canada on the first night of the full moon to meet our son. I would also try to convince Thor to let Aidan stay with us. Aidan was healed and he shouldn't be kept from us.

"Ylva, calm down. stressing out isn't going to help time pass by faster." My mate spoke. The past month we were reconnecting on a whole different level. Now there truly were no more secrets between each other, and I was happier than ever before.

"I know but still. I'm actually nervous about meeting our child, is that weird?"

"Not really, I mean who knows how old he actually is now and how much we missed. I am a little nervous too." We arrived at the place where we were supposed to meet Thor and Aidan. We were indeed a little early as no one was at the open area. Carlisle hugged me from behind to help me calm down. Then a bright flash appeared and there he was. Our son. Aidan. Thor himself was holding him in his arms. Aidan did grow up more but I had expected him to look older for some reason. He only looked six months old.

"Look there, Aidan. your family is here. Your mommy and daddy are waiting for you." He spoke. Aidan looked around until his eyes locked with mine. Then his little arms stuck out to me. I wanted to walk over but Thor held his hand up.

"He has been trying to walk lately but couldn't do it alone yet." Thor put Aidan on the ground carefully and after he had steadied his legs, Aidan tried walking over. It was wobbly and he fell but got up by himself. I cried on the inside because I had missed Aidan's progress in this from being helpless to almost walking like any other.

"Carlisle, look! He's walking!" I knelt down so I could catch my son when he came.

"I see it love." My mate's voice broke a little. He was proud and yet also sad. The same way I felt. Aidan finally reached me and I picked him up in my arms.

"Hello little one." I greeted him. He tried to wrap his little arms around my neck in a hug and I melted.

"I'll see you in three days." Thor disappeared before I nor Carlisle could say anything. We went home and our three days of actually getting to know our son and being a little family began. Aidan turned out to be more human than we thought. He did drink a bit of blood but never needed it a lot. We were relieved because it meant he really is more of a hybrid than an immortal child.

The second time we had him home...

He met Rose and Emmett and the others. That one was funny because he didn't seem to like Edward. Whenever he entered the room, Aidan would frown and the two would be caught in a staring contest with Edward talking and Aidan thinking. Usually it was about silly things like Edward's view on his soul. or how boring Aidan found the music Edward played on the piano. It was also funny watch them shocked at how well he had grown already. He was now nine months old and already walking and running around on his own.

On the other hand he seemed to adore Jasper and Rose. Aidan knew that if he wanted something and I didn't allow it, Carlisle would sometimes give in but not all the time and Rose would be the next one to ask. He would fire his charms off on her and get his way.

With Jasper he loved to play around and prank Emmett. Aidan would be the distraction while Jasper prepared and then the two would run. Alice was okay as long as she didn't try to change his clothes. Then he would throw a tantrum until either me or Carlisle calmed him down.

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