Hearing this he woke up by rubbing his eyes, he blinked his eyes to confirm his visual, he hugged forth and asked, "P'Forth, I missed you, when did you came? last night I waited for you! "

"Sorry my bro, I went to out with my clients, today I will be quick, moreover, I heard someone bended you, I want full details of that guy"

Forth patted kong head who break the hug and pouted, "P'Forth, are you gonna tease me like P'beam, he teased me the for the whole night, you have to scold him for me"

"Sure, first you have to come down for breakfast", kong smiled happily and went to the bathroom to finish his job, Forth folded the bed sheet and cleaned the room, kong came and went to the kitchen with forth.

Beam saw both entering, he ordered them to take their seat, Forth scold beam as he promised to kong, Beam just stuck his tongue out to kong and told, "wait until your daddy has gone to office, Your mommy will make you regret your life"

"Ahhh daddy please take me to your office, I don't want to be with this devil mother", kong throws tantrum like a child, Forth smiled and about to say yes, when Beam interrupted, "if you dare take my son, you have to offer your ass for a week"

Forth smiled helplessly while kong raised his voice, "you cheater!! How can you blackmail P'Forth like this! I will tell you to my father!"

Beam just nodded his head and told, "you can my dear son, but I will tell your mother that you had sex with Arthit", kong stiffened hearing this, he tosses the bread towards Beam face.

After Forth leave, both beam and kong spend some time in the garden, went out to lunch, they played video games, Finally, made dinner for forth.

Beam  mother died when he was 15, after that his dad send him and his sister to kong mother since the latter was so disheartened to take care of his kids. After wards kong and Beam become very close. Unfortunately, Beam's father died 2 years back and goes under Kong's family radar completely.

When Forth returned in the evening,  he saw kong sulked face when he inquired Beam what happened, Beam told that kong is pissed off towards Arthit for not responding to his call.

Both entertained kong to change his grieving, soon kong also forgot his worry and had fun, next day he really can't concentrate on anything, when his mother called him to ask about last time fight details, he told her that he will explain later, using sick as an excuse he ended the call.

Forth came early evening and all settled in the garden, Beam had enough of kong grumpiness, he shouted in frustration, "kongpop will you please stop making that face, it's not like Arthit gonna break up with you".

kong shouted back, "P'beam !!!". Both started a fight, Forth is too scared to stop their fight because he is not ready to face anyone's wrath.

Both stopped their quarrel automatically when they heard a horn sound, Arthit opened the gate and entered, he was welcomed by a warm and breathtaking hug, kong saw his lover entering through the gate, he rushed towards him and hugged him tightly, he wants to feel him to put his mind in ease, he was so worried.

Beam and forth smiled at Arthit. kong didn't release Arthit from his embrace, the latter pat kong shoulders and said, "kong you are choking me", kong released his lover before take his hand in his hold and dragged him inside.

Arthit has an apologetic smile before following kong, forth told to beam, "that guy don't look strange and complicated"

"Just talk with him tomorrow you will understand", Beam retorted before slamming on the chair with glad sigh.

Kong pushed his lover inside his room and locked it, he hugged the latter again, this time he didn't hug him tightly, gone gentle with his touch.

Arthit rubbed kong back assuringly, kong whispered still hugging, "I missed you p, I was worried to sick about you, why didn't you reply to me"

Arthit broke the hug, putting his arm around kong neck he told, "I too missed you kong, I will explain to you, but before that, I want you to make me cry", disbelieving his lover words he asked, "what are you asking? I didn't get you"

Arthit smiled and told, "actually I want to cry, but it's not coming, I just want to check, if I lost my crying ability or I don't have any tears"

Kong told, "but how can I make you cry, it will be the most difficult job, moreover, it will hurt my heart the worst."

Arthit smiled seductively, moving his hand from kong cheeks to the waist, he whispered in kong ear, "just take me kong, make me cry through pleasure", kong shivered and asked, "are you sure phi?"

Arthit pecked kong lips and told, "yes I am sure but is your wound fine now?"

Kong answered by capturing his boyfriend lips, kong ravished the cavern roughly, Arthit moaned in kong mouth.

kong pushed Arthit towards the bed, he split the latter leg and placed his knees between it, he moved forward to his ear and whispered in his husky voice, "now,  shall we get your tears out", kong bite and sucked Arthit's ears, the latter  trembled with a moan. Kong played a song on his phone in high volume.

Kong's every rough thrust send Arthit to heaven, he start to shed his tears in pain, pleasure and sadness, kong wiped the tears with his thumb, when Arthit was about to cum, kong slowed down his action and stopped his release.

Arthit pleaded at kong many times for the release, but kong didn't allowed it, he also controlled himself from shooting it inside Arthit, after some time both released together and went to bliss together.

After catching his breath, Arthit laid his head on kong chest, that latter wrapped his arm around his lover waist.

Arthit murmured, "I saw her kong, my mother, she is alive, I didn't murder....any..." and went to dreamland without finishing it. Kong shook the latter to get details but all he heard is his snore.

Kong stopped the music on his phone,  and kissed Arthit's forehead, he thought himself to ask the details later in the morning. soon he too went to dreamland.

In the middle of the night, he feels his lover stroking his junior, he stopped Arthit and mumbled in his sleep, "No more phi, you will get hurt", but the reply he got make his slumber gone unreachable, "sorry p'kong, I won't do it"


I am sorry(kongart)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now