You're Wonderful

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Once again I found myself in a car with someone who didn't have a license. Some people might find it stupid but I trust Dominic. He's actually going the speed limit this time.

"Do not drink anything anyone gives you. Only from me or yourself. Also if you set your cup down and leave it, get a new one." Dominic lectured as we drove under the street lights.

"I know." I laughed.

"Stay with me, Rosalie, Adam, or Michael. It's important to have someone with you always. That way nobody tries to take advantage of you."

A smile was on my face but I rolled my eyes, laughing again.

"I think I'll be fine Domino."

"I know, I'm just being sure you know. I've heard some fucked stories about parties."

"I'll be fine." I stated again as we pulled up to the house. There were a couple skeletons placed throughout the yard and some lights hung up on the porch. Several carved pumpkins sat along sides the steps. There were quite a few cars in the driveway and along the street.

"You will be cause I'll be with you."

Dominic parked the car in a spot stoves the road from the house. I felt nerves dance in my stomach as I looked at the house again.

"Ready love?" He asked with a smile.

I wanted to say no but instead I smiled back and we both got out of the car.

"Everyone is already here." He said as he lead me to the front door.

He pushed it open and there were several pairs of shoes to the side thrown together in a messy pile.

I reached down to take mine off.

"Keep them on." Dominic instructed.

We could hear music playing down the hall. It was a bit foggy and you could see the glow of colorful lights illuminating the hallway from the room.

I squeezed Dominics hand the closer we got to the doorway, he squeezed back.

The second we walked through the doorway, Adam hopped up.

"Dom!" He called. His Waldo costume was funny, the glasses made me laugh.

The room was filled with a light fog and purple lights lit up the perimeter of the room. Music played but not loudly. A small group sat around in the corner of the room playing spin the bottle while Michael, Adam, Rosalie, and a few others sat around the couches.

This was nothing like the school parties you read about in stories where the kids are being reckless and blasting music. This was much more relaxed and not what I expected.

Rosalie grabbed a bottle and ran up to me, pulling my flask from my hands.

She poured the clear liquid into the bottle and handed it back to me.

"Now you're going to truly be mad." She laughed.

"Not if I don't drink it." I joked.

I wanted to drink it, but I didn't at the same time. I swirled it around in the glass, tempting.

Dominic was busy with Michael, bending over in front of him while Adam took a picture. Probably another picture that shouldn't end up on Facebook that will.

"Hey if you wont I will." She laughed and pulled me to the couch.

We plopped down and the bottom of my dress flipped up, exposing my underwear. My eyes widened and I fixed it quickly.

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