You're Cute When You're Tired

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When I laid down for bed that night, I couldn't sleep. I stared up at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling. My mind wandered the corners of my head, trying to find something slightly interesting to take my thoughts. Nothing did, until my phone rang.

Dominic: What are you doing?

I smiled at his message, this boy made me feel those damn butterflies, except they were a swarm of angry bees.

Sakaya: Oh you know, stuff

Dominic: Stuff? Hmmmm suspicious

I furrowed my eyebrows with a smile.

Sakaya: Lol how?

Dominic: Very vague

Dominic: Usually means something illegal

Dominic: Or naughty ;)

Sakaya: None of the above :P

Dominic: Lol I'm totally doing one of those things

My eyes widened, what was he doing? Was he graffitiing again?

Sakaya: Don't get arrested


Dominic: I don't think I'll get arrested for wanking, unless

I felt my face heat up as I read his message, smacking my hand against my face.

"Why am I so dense?" I laughed feeling slightly embarrassed for being so naive.

Sakaya: Oh, well I'm sure there's a way

Dominic: Yea, maybe if you do it on some old mans lawn and he catches you

Sakaya: Why would that even be a thought in your mind?

Dominic: I'm just giving an example

Dominic: I swear I've never done it before

I rolled my eyes and sat up a little, typing my reply.

Sakaya: Suuuuuuure

Dominic: I would never do such a thing

Sakaya: Like wank?

Dominic: Never

Dominic:  Totally not doing it now

Dominic: Wanna see?

I felt my face heat up again, how do you respond to that?

I didn't get a chance to respond because my phone dinged again. I checked the screen, the description telling me he had sent an image. I opened it, ready to see a whatever it was he sent, and considering his last message I braced myself.



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10 Reasons Why I'm Not Good Enough :||: YungbludOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora