Chapter 1: Breathe

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Hello fellow Watt Pad people!! Sorry this chapter has a lot of dialog in the beginning, but hang with me it gets good! And PLEASE comment if you don't understand something, to give feedback, or just to say hi! And don't worry the Avengers come in around chapter five, and Loki comes in around chapter seven or eight.

Thank you so much for reading!

(°3°) MWAH! -Talia

P.S. this chapter is dedicated to @circusalistar and @GemmaCross my two best-est friends!

P.S.S Yes grace( @circusalistar) you have a character! She comes in later and she works for shield.


May 11th 1994:

Dying, young Gia Watts was dying, slowly dying.

"I'm really sorry Mr. Watts but, your daughter has lung cancer." Dr. Cross stated sadly to Gia's single father, Matthew watts. 'She is only seven years old; this means she won't live to see her fourteenth birthday.' Dr. Cross thought to himself 'Why so young?'

Mr. Watts had brought her to the emergency room when he heard her pain the night before.

"Daddy!" Little Gia cried, barely able to get the word out. Every breath she took felt like daggers piercing her lungs.

"What's wrong Gigi?!?" Watts questioned, desperately seeking an answer. He watched in horror as his little angel gasped for air and writhed around on her small bed. He picked up her shaking little body and held her in his arms, stroking her tear soaked face. "It's okay princess daddy's got you." He was panicking on the inside, 'I have to call 911'

The ambulance rushed them to the hospital, where they found the source of the very expensive problem.

"I- I can't afford this, "Matthew quietly stated, shock apparent in his voice. He would get another job, sell the house, starve and put all the food money towards her medical bills, he would do anything to keep his little girl safe.

"There is a way that you can deal with your financial issues that would be in the best interest of Gia," Doctor Cross suggested. "You could sign her legally over to the hospital, and she would be fostered by one of the doctors here. Doctor's medical bills are paid for by the hospital. She would live here at the hospital in a room with my daughter; they are the same age so they could have some fun together. You can visit her anytime you want to, any hour of the day."

It sounded like a good idea to Matthew. As long as he got to be a part of the years she had left and she was safe, he would do it.

"Um, Doctor. Cross, do you mind if I ask why your daughter is living in the hospital?" Matt asked with genuine curiosity as he scratched his graying hair.

"I don't mind," the doctor said as he grabbed a seat in the waiting room next to Matthew. "My daughter -Gemma- has a fatal blood disorder called Lymphoblastic Lymphoma, I've been treating her here since she was three. It's a miracle she's lived this long. It's hard as her father watching her in pain when I give her the treatment, but as her doctor I know she has to go through it." The despair in his voice was clear.

"I'm sorry," Was all Mr. Watts could say, he knew that the only words that could really make him happy were 'she's cured'. He knew the pain he was going through, having to live with the knowledge that at any minute your little girl could die, that any second your one beam of light in this black world could fade away leaving you alone in the darkness.

"Thanks." Dr. Cross answered, "Have you decided whether or not Giovanna will be staying here?" He turned to Matthew waiting patiently for an answer.

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