Phase Two

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What stood before the two was no human.

Yet they did not fear her, nor did the king. He spoke to her as his mother, motioning towards them. They felt no fear of the woman that they could not describe aside from glowing blond hair that flowed behind her in curls and lips that help a mother's love. She leaned down with something in her hands, placing the trinket over their head as a hand caressed their cheek.

They never heard the lips that spoke their name.


What stood before them was a woman.

Sinai tried their best not to squirm under her gaze, trying their best to win her heart.

Their long hair was braided and wrapped in a bun with a flower embedded into it. Their clothes were rather plain but still nice-looking: a simple white dress that went down to their almost their ankles. They tried to not appear that their now teal eyes were looking at the floor, glancing at the wall in front of them every now and then. Sinai could not help but feel anxious under the blonde woman's critical gaze.

"You're dressed quite plain."

"This is the best I have, Miss."

"You're interested in my son, yes?"


Her sky blue eyes seemed to stare right into their soul.

"Does my son know you?"

"No," Sinai averted their gaze, "He's never noticed me but I've admired him when we were children."

That was a lie, and hopefully, she took the bait. A big influencer just like her son, Bilit Taauth—or Bilit for short, was a charismatic lady who was well known for interpreting dreams and wisdom far beyond her years. Those that were in her presence say that it was like she knew everything and saw all.

While Sinai wasn't the type to believe such a thing, they couldn't help but be on edge. Just something about her screamed "do not underestimate me", and yet she was somewhat familiar. Like that woman in their dream.

"I've known him since we were children," They shyly "confessed", pretending to resist the urge to play with their fingers, "I've never interacted with him but I've already admired him when we crossed paths. He seemed like such a kind boy at the time"

A sweet smile on their face, hands on their chest as if reminiscing.

"We don't see each other often but I remember."

"And do you know how he is now?"

"Of course I do," Sinai's smile fades slightly, "In fact, I can't help but want to bring him down to his senses a notch."

Oddly they wanted to do this by punching the blond in the face, but why would they admit this?

"And how?"



"I'm not sure but I'll use force as a last resort." They chuckled then sheepishly smiled at the older woman.

"All jokes aside, Ma'am, I feel like...he's lonely, even if he chases around other women."

Somehow that didn't feel like an act, but Sinai brushed it off as getting too into the character they played.

"Really now?" She seemed to take it, which was a score for the assassin.

"Yes." They smiled sincerely.

"Well, you certainly seem like my son's type," The blonde commented, taking their hand, "oh my! Your hands are quite rough."

"I've worked hard at a young age," An apologetic look, "I haven't been into this city since elementary school."

"Ah yes, you moved away."

"That is right."

Their hands were almost nothing like a woman's, too rough and sculpted to even be considered one. But they were still dainty enough to barely pass.

Sinai smiled, silently hoping to be done with once she dragged them away to sit for tea.


"It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss-"

"Please," the elder woman smiled with a wave of a hand, "Call me Bilit."

"Of course." She smiled brightly.

No doubt that was a good sign.

"I hope we meet again."

"I hope we do, Keziah."

Keziah only smiled before slipping through the doors, disappearing from her sight. Bilit let out a sigh, sinking into her chair. The interviews were exhausting, to say the least, and most she could tell: all they wanted was his money. They could care less about the man himself, or they were too obsessive. The blonde shuddered at the idea.

Most had lied about something, and she knew that Kezaih was lying from the minute she introduced herself—except for a few words here and there that solidified her beliefs:

Whoever Keziah truly was, she was surely him. She was the one.

However, there was one thing that concerned the mother: her intentions.

Money was definitely one of them, but not from his salary. She seemed to sincerely wish to put his arrogant attitude in its place but had one goal to achieve from him. Bilit had a sinking feeling in her gut. Despite everything, she was still the mother of Gilgamesh in the end, and she'll always watch and care for him and his soul.

Silently the blonde hoped that there will be no deaths for either of them. Hopefully, Kezaih could stop herself from causing harm. Whether she truly wanted to or not.

Despite these risks, Bilit knew who'd she choose. And deep down, she knew that Kezaih had his heart and soul, that was crafted from the days the clay doll had spent from that king eras ago. And that was why Enkidu had been gifted another chance in life.


The reaction of the arrangement was...expected from her son. He threw quite a hissy fit, as he desired another woman who didn't share his affections.

"My son," Bilit tried to calm him, "believe me when I say that you'll adore her."

"And you won't let me meet her?!" The male glared daggers at her with such animosity, but she still held her ground.

"She's a surprise," the blonde only smiled softly, "but I believe that she'll become your most prized jewel."

Even though she was sure that the statement would be met with denial if she told the bride-to-be.

"Surely, there will be greater treasures than me."

'Oh Enkidu,' She couldn't help but think to herself, 'There is and will be no greater treasure to him than you. As a friend is forever priceless.' 

~Phase Two Complete~

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Thanks for reading! 

More names and a POV change, whoops.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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