Ha, who am I kidding? I can't forget that day cause I'm reminded about it everytime I look at Mateo. I'm reminded about all the regret when I look at Luca. But Luca is my love. I would never hate him for my mistake.

For his fathers mistake.

I already know that Luca is gonna want his dad to stay. I just don't know if I do. His father caused a lot of pain in my life. But like he said, he has changed. Maybe recently but he still has changed. Maybe I should give me and him one more try.

For Luca.

Not for me.

For Luca.

I look at myself one more time in the mirror and straighten my skirt out.

Okay. Time for work.

"Luca, are you ready?" I holler as I walk into the kitchen to see Mateo, still here, cooking eggs and pancakes. "What are you still doing here?" I ask him as I get my ingredients out for my smoothie.

"Making breakfast?" He says but it sounds more of a question then a statement.

"Okay.." I walk past him and go to the counter by him to my blender.

"Mommy! I can't get it!" I hear Luca yell.

"Get what baby?" I ask him as I put my fruits into the blender.

"My shirt!" He yells.

"Okay I'm coming." I stop what I'm doing and turn around but Mateo stops me from walking to Luca.

"Let me get it." He smiled.

I hesitate at first but end up nodding and saying "Okay."

He walks out of the kitchen and down the hallway to Lucas room.

I went back to making my smoothie and making sure Mateos food doesn't burn. After the eggs and pancakes are finished I divide them out onto three plates and cut up Lucas. I add a little bit of syrup on Lucas and a little on mine.

"Mommy! Mommy!" I hear Luca yell as I hear little footsteps running up the hall. "Look mommy! Daddy helped me with my shirt!" He told me with a big smile.

"I see that baby! It looks good, did you say thank you?" I ask him with a smile. 

His eyes go wide and he turns on his heels quickly to face his father, "Thank you daddy!" He smiles as he hugs Mateos leg. I need my phone this is too cute.

 "Your welcome bud." Mateo smiled down at his son and patted his back. "Go sit at the table I'll bring you a plate." Luca turned and went to the table. "Thank you for not letting it burn." He went beside me and grabbed 2 plates. 

 "Your welcome." I smiled at him as I grabbed my plate and my smoothie. "Oh let me make Ava a plate real quick. I almost forgot she was here." He nodded and turned towards the table. 

 I grab a plate and add 2 pancakes a egg and syrup on top of both because Ava is weird and likes syrup on both her eggs and pancakes. I put a fork on both our plates and head to the table and set down the plates.

 "I'll be back let me go get Ava." I told the two boys as I turned away from the table and down the hall. I get to her door and knock. 

"Yep?" I hear her voice say from the other side.

 "Breakfast is ready." I told her as she opened the door.

"Okay, sounds good!" She smiled her usual joyful smile and walked down the hall and I followed behind. "Ah, good morning my sweet Luca." She sung as she kissed the top of Lucas head. "Good morning Mateo." She said bluntly making me snicker, she does not like Mateo very much.    

 "Good morning Auntie Ava!" Luca said with a mouthful. 

 "Luca manners." I glare at him and he closes his mouth and swallows. 

 "Sorry." He said quietly. 

~~After breakfast 

 "Luca go grab your bag. Auntie Ava is going to take you to daycare." I told Luca as I grabbed my purse. Luca nodded and ran down the hall to his room then came back seconds later with his bag. "Love you have a good day." I kissed his forehead and he kissed my cheek then grabbed Avas hand and they walked out the house as I finished cleaning up breakfast quickly. I look up to see Mateo with a pouty look on his face. "What is wrong with you?" I asked him putting my hand on my hip.

 "I didn't get a goodbye kiss." He frowned. 

 "Nice try but not happening." I walk past him and patted his shoulder. Before i could get to the door he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back putting his hand on the small of my back and leaning me backwards, he quickly bent down and gave me a peck on the lips. He then leaned me back up and walked out the door to his car smiling. 

At this point I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face. I guess that is one way to start the day. 


Word count: 1465

Sorry for the late update. Like very late update. But I hope you enjoyed  

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