To Interpret (Derek Morgan x Female Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Thank you angel baby, call Hotch, we may have a lead, keep looking into their medical histories." "Of course chocolate thunder." The line drops, and Spencer shakes his head with a soft laugh as he car comes to a stop in front of the federal building.

The team regroups back in the bull-pen, Spencer writes on the board, updating the geographical map and writing the newly formed information. "Each of our victims were declared profoundly deaf at a young age, and I think this is the uh lead we can take on why they were killed. The unsub has a violent streak towards Deaf people." He then draws four monkeys. "Prentiss, you weren't off earlier, this unsub is in fact suggesting that because they cannot hear, speak, do or see evil they are cleansed."

"He sees them being Deaf as a curse?" "Well, more as a disability. We also notice there wasn't any defensive wounds, meaning this unsub knew his victims, and well enough that they'd trust him." Spencer turns back to the board again. "Penelope, run all doctors that see Deaf patients within this geographical triangle, and uh, well." Spencer looks to the team. "We are going to need an interpreter, we usually contact families, but seeing as no one on our team knows enough sign language to hold a conversation, I'd see it best to provide us with one. I also suggest going to some of the majorly Deaf populated area with the interpreter, try to see who these victims knew, and who knew them." He caps the marker, and with a brisk nod from Hotchner, the team set off. Within an hour, a new person entered the BAU's branch of the FBI.

The (E/C) eyes searched around before JJ walked to the entrance. "(Y/N) (L/N)? I'm Agent Jareau, or JJ." She smiles politely, extending her hand towards the interpreter.

"Just (Y/N) please, I'm excited to get started, where do you need me?" She rakes a hand through her hair nervously.

"Ms.(L/N)," A stern voice spoke, "I am SSA Hotchner, you've met JJ; the man with long brown hair is Doctor Reid, following is Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, David Rossi, and Derek Morgan." He introduces each person. Spencer gives a small wave, while Emily and Penelope gave you small and excited handshakes. Lastly Derek started with a wink, "Well, knowing your career, I'll be calling you angel hands." "Morg-""Actually (Y/N) is perfectly fine to call me, thank you." You give a happy look to Hotch, who was ready to reprimand Derek for his outward flirting.

Derek's eyes widened before he let himself settle to a confident smirk. Two can play at this game. The team enters the bull-pen again, briefing their new partner on the case at hand. Morgan quickly noticed that the interpreter grew white knuckled and she had to steady her breathing when the pictures were brought out.

"(Y/N), you and Morgan need to head out and begin talking to the families, after that, check in with Garcia and give her any information you have. Finally, head to the heavily Deaf populated area of Quantico and interview anyone who's willing." Hotchner turned to the others. "The rest of us have a profile to give."

Morgan escorted the interpreter outside to the SUV, opening the door for her and closing it after she settled in. He heads over to the first address pinned. "So why can't I call you angel hands? Would you prefer something else? How about twinkle fingers?"

The interpreter couldn't help but laugh, point one to Morgan. "I don't actually mind angel hands, just, not in front of not only your boss, but also the head of the BAU."

"So, formal in public, flirty in private, I like that Angel Hands." A smirk found its way back to Derek's face as he merged into the left lane.

The interpreter stuttered out, what could she say to that? It didn't matter, she had a job to do.

Ten painful minutes later, they pulled up to the parents of John Magnus. Derek opened the door for (Y/N) and then proceeded up the driveway. Agent Morgan then knocked on the door, and rang the doorbell a few times.

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